The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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great yogis say, “I am not in the world; the world is in me.”
Pratyahara is the process of tuning into your subtle
sensory experiences known in yoga as the tanmatras.
Within your awareness are the seeds of sound, sensation,
sight, taste, and scent. By going inside yourself, you can
access these impulses and directly experience the knowl-
edge that the world of forms and phenomena is a projec-
tion of your awareness.
You can awaken the tanmatras by consciously acti-
vating subtle sensory impressions on the screen of your
awareness. Ask a friend to read these descriptions to you
while your eyes are closed.


the ringing of a church bell
the buzzing of a mosquito in your ear
the roar of an ocean wave crashing
against the shore


the feel of a fine cashmere sweater
the softness of a baby’s skin
drops of rain falling on your face during
a summer shower


a sunset over a calm ocean
a fireworks display
the face of your mother

The Royal Path to Union 43
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