The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1


biting into a luscious fresh strawberry
a spoonful of rich chocolate ice cream
a pungent jalapeno pepper


the smell of the rich earth after a spring rain
the fragrance of blooming lilacs
the aroma of a bakery
Pratyahara is the process of temporarily withdrawing
the senses from the outer world in order to recognize the
sensations of your inner world. In a way, Pratyahara can be
seen as sensory fasting. The word is comprised of prati,
meaning “away,” and ahara, meaning “food.” If you stay
away from food for a while, the next meal you take will
usually taste exceptionally delicious.
When your senses are withdrawn for a time, you are
able to tune in to the subtler tastes and smells. Yoga sug-
gests that the same is true for all your experiences in the
world. If you take the time to withdraw from the world for
a little while, you will find that your experiences are
more vibrant.
In practice, Pratyahara means paying attention to the
sensory impulses you encounter throughout the day,
limiting to the extent possible those that are toxic and
maximizing those that are nourishing to your body, mind,
and soul.
Choose sounds, sensations, sights, tastes, and smells
that inspire you. Be aware of and do your best to reduce

44 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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