The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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laws to the practice of yoga because the principles that
underlie yoga are the principles that support a life of bal-
ance, flexibility, and vitality. The practice of yoga is prac-
tice for life. Success in yoga provides a template for
success in life.
The seven laws are presented below in a condensed
form with a focus on their application to a yogic practice.
Each law is associated with a specific mantra whose
vibration resonates with the core principle. We encourage
you to review the law of the day each morning when you
awaken and each evening before bed for a few minutes.
Throughout the day, bring the corresponding mantra
into your awareness so that the energy of the law res-
onates within you.
For years, people around the world have begun their
days with a review of one of the laws and the intention to
implement it throughout the day. We suggest that you
focus on the first spiritual law of success on the Sunday of
every week. Each subsequent day, put your attention on
the next law, ending with the seventh law on Saturday. In
this way, you will begin resonating with the millions of
other people who are putting their attention on the
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Let’s review each of
them as they apply to the practice of yoga.

Day of the Week Spiritual Law
Sunday Law of Pure Potentiality
Monday Law of Giving and Receiving
Tuesday Law of Karma (or Cause and
Wednesday Law of Least Effort
Thursday Law of Intention and Desire

50 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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