The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
Friday Law of Detachment
Saturday Law of Dharma (or Purpose
in Life)

Law 1. The Law of Pure Potentiality

The first spiritual law of success is the Law of Pure Poten-
tiality, which states that at the core of your being you are
pure awareness. This realm of pure awareness is the
domain of all possibilities and underlies creativity in all its
forms. Pure consciousness is your spiritual essence and
the source of your joy in life. The realm of pure potential-
ity is the home of knowledge, intuition, balance, har-
mony, and bliss. Giving rise to thoughts, feelings, and
actions, it remains undisturbed. This domain is the womb
of silence that gives birth to all forms and phenomena in
life. It is your essential nature. At your core you are pure
The silent ever-present witness is your true Self. The
experience of the Self, or self-referral,means that your
internal reference point is your soul rather than the
objects of your experience. The opposite of self-referral is
object-referral. In object-referral, you are influenced by
what is happening outside the Self, which includes situa-
tions, circumstances, people, and things. In object-
referral, you need and therefore are constantly seeking
the approval of others in order to feel comfortable and
worthy. Because in object-referral your thoughts and
behavior are always in anticipation of a response, it is a
fear-based state of being.
The ego is your internal reference in the state of
object-referral. The ego, however, is not who you really

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga 51
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