The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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are. Rather, it is your social mask, the roles you are play-
ing. At one moment you play the role of friend, in the
next the antagonist. You play the role of child in the
presence of your parents and the role of parent when you
are with your children. You play one role when speaking
with your supervisor and another with those you supervise.
Your social mask thrives on approval, strives to control,
and is sustained by power. The corollary of this is that your
ego lives in fear of losing approval, control, and power.
But your true Self, your soul, is completely free of
these things. It is immune to criticism, fears no chal-
lenge, and feels neither beneath nor above anyone. Your
soul recognizes at its deepest level that everyone else is the
same Self in different disguises.
During the practice of yoga, the Law of Pure Poten-
tiality reminds us that every movement emerges from the
silent field of infinite possibility. The more powerful the
silence, the more effective the movement. Every move-
ment is a vibration, a wave on the ocean of life. The
deeper the connection to the depths of the ocean, the
more powerful is the wave that arises.
While practicing your yoga poses, bring your attention
back to the silent space within you between every move-
ment and every posture. Remain in a state of mindful
witnessing as you perform each pose, cultivating the
experience of having your awareness in this nonlocalized
domain of pure potentiality as you engage in activities
localized in time and space.

Enliven the Law of Pure Potentiality while performing
yoga poses and throughout your day by taking the time to
do the following three things:

52 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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