A1 Vista, 255
A B and C Daylight Kodak cameras, 251
Abbe, Ernst
optical physics, 1
Zeiss, Carl, 1521
Abbe numbers, 1
Abbott, Berenice, 347–348
Abdullah Fréres
Orientalism, 1032
royal photography, 1
Abney, William de Wiveleslie, photographic
scientist, 1–3
Abolitionist movement, Ball, James Presley,
Aboriginal peoples
Kruger, Johan Friedrich Carl (Fred), 808
Lindt, John William, 859–861
Abyssinian Campaign of 1867-68, Harrold,
Sergeant John, 637
Academic art, 76–77
Ackermann & Co., 1092
Ackermann’s Photogenic Drawing Apparatus,
Ackland, Horne and Thornthwaite, 3
Acres, Birt, 3–4, 944
Acres, Elliott & Son, 3–4
Actinic light, 270
Actinographs, 4, 705
Driffi eld, Vero Charles, 733
Hurter, Ferdinand, 733
Actinometers, 4–5, 1257
Bing, Louis, 5
Driffi eld, Vero Charles, 732–733
Hurter, Ferdinand, 732–733
science of photography, 1255
Watkins, Alfred, 1476
Adams, Ansel, Newhall, Nancy, 997, 998
Adams, Washington Irving, Scovill & Adams,
Adam-Salomon, Antoine-Samuel
portrait photographer, 6
sculptor, 6
Adamson, John, 6, 6–8
calotypes, 6–7
Rodger, Thomas, 1204
Adamson, Robert, 6, 7, 210, 607, 658, 660,
888, 1101, 1110, 1374
biography, 658, 660–661
calotypes, 678, 679
Hill, David Octavius, and, 657–661, 659
adult groupings, 659
aesthetic and technical sophistication,
albums, 660
calotypes, 658–659, 660
collaborative results, 658
documentary photography, 659
fi shing families of Newhaven, 659
landscape photography, 660
partnership, 657–661
photographs of children, 659
portraits, 658–660
Scottish subjects, 658–660
Adirondack mountains, Stoddard, Seneca Ray,
Advertising, 468
cover or back of photographs, 955
halftone printing process, 11
itinerant photography, 760
magazines, 11
modeling agencies, 11
Notman, William & Sons, 1012
photographic products, 8–9
photography used in, 9–11
postcards, 1163
postmortem photography, 1164
real estate, 10
Aerial photography, 12–15, 1061–1062, see
also Balloon photography
Canada, 15
dry plate technology, 12–13
Edinburgh, Scotland, 1062
Jennings, William Nicholson, 773, 774
moisture in air, 1062
Nadar, 12, 426, 972
North Pole, early history, 14
orientation to ground, 12
pre-airplane, 12–15
Shadbolt, Cecil, 1265
spatial effect, 1062
World War I, 15
Aesthetic photography movement
Amateur Photographer, 31
pictorialism, 1128
Aesthetics, art photography, 76–81, 79
amateur photographers, 34
anthropometric photography, 501–502, 502
architectural photography, 1408
Beato, Felice, 130
daguerreotypes, 1473–1473
ethnographic photography, 500
Fry, William Ellerton, 563–564
Galton, Sir Francis, 568
North Africa, 18–20
architectural patrimony of France, 19
Baalbek, 18–19
colonialist images, 19
earliest photographers, 18
Greco-Roman ruins, 18–19
photographic studios, 19
portraits, 1473–1473
sub-Saharan Africa, 15–18, 16
albums of infrastructural projects, 17–18
amateur photographers, 18
colonial administration, 17–18
ethnographic studies, 17
European travel inland, 16
expedition and travel photography, 16–17
diffi culties, 16–17
fi rst photography, 15–16
manipulated representations, 18
military operations, 17
missionaries, 17
photographically illustrated personal
accounts, 17
photographic studies, 16–17
terminology, 15
survey photography, 1362
Trémaux, Pierre, 1408
Africa, sub-Saharan, 16–17
African American photographers
Ball, James Presley, 112
Washington, Augustus, 1474
woman photographer, 1506
AGFA, 20
Agfa-Ansco, 50
Agfacolor, color therapy, 321
Agnew, Thomas, 1094
Agnew, Thomas & Sons
art dealers, 20–21
publishers, 20–21
Aguado de las Marismas, Olympe, carte-de-
visite, 21–22
Aguado de las Marismas, Onésipe, 21, 21–22
Ahrendts, Leopold, 22
Berlin views, 22
Aiton, William Townsend, 1005
Alabastrine process, 1154–1155
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.