
(Wang) #1

Index I


Albania, 1037–1038
Albert, Prince Consort
amateur photographer, 1447
art reproductions, 1448
carte-de-visite, 1448
commissions of, 1447
earliest photographs of British monarchy,
Fenton, Roger, 525
infl uence in establishing respectability of
photography, 1447
infl uential patron, 1447
photography collections, 1214–1215
Royal Collection, Windsor, 1214–1216
lendings from, 1447–1448
photographs acquired for, 1447
royal photographers, 1215, 1447
Royal Photographic Society, 1447
tradition of royal patronage of the arts,
as valuable sitter, 1448
Wilson, George Washington, 1500
Albertypes, see Collotypes
Albumen emulsions, 486, 487
disadvantages, 487
Albumen on glass, 301
Ferrier, Soulier, Lévy, 850–852
Humbert de Molard, Baron Louis-Adolphe,
Le Gray, Gustave, 834
Niépce de Saint-Victor, Claude Félix Abel,
stereography, 850–852
Albumen papers
manufacturing, E&HT Anthony & Co.,
Nadar, 971
Albumen plates, 439
Albumen printing paper, sharpness, 1173
tonal range, 1173
Albumen prints, 22–24, 23
albumen paper production, 24
aniline dyes, 24
architectural photography, 60
Brady, Mathew B., 198, 199
card photographs, 272
characteristics, 23–24
decomposed albumen, 24
fading, 23–24, 1060–1061
formula, 23
Goupil & Cie, 603
Grundy, William Morris, 624
Italy, 754
Le Blondel, Alphonse, 831–832
Murray, John, 963
Neurdein Frères, 992
Niépce de Saint-Victor, Claude Félix Abel,
platinum prints, contrasted, 1137
postmortem photography, 1166
qualities, 23
sulphur compounds, 534
toning, 1395
Turner, Benjamin Brecknell, 1411–1412
wet collodion negative, 1485
Albumen process, 1379–1380
Alethoscope, 1451
Aletoscopio, 1145
Alexandra, Queen, 24–25
charity photography book by, 24–25
Alfred, Burton, 231
New Zealand, 231
Algeria, 19
Greene, John Beasly, 620–621

Jeuffrain, Paul, 774, 775
Moulin, Félix-Jacques-Antoine, 946
Alinari, Leopoldo, 25, 755–756
Alinari, Vittorio, 26
Alinari Bros., 25, 25–27, 755–756, 1110
art reproductions, 25, 25–26
catalogues, 25, 26
Italian countryside, 26
portraits, 26
Allan, Sydney, see Hartmann, Sadakichi
Allegorical photography, 27–29
anachronistic interpretation, 28
Cameron, Julia Margaret, 28
central allegorical categories, 29
Christian connotations, 28
debate about, 27–29
feminist scholarship, 28
genre pictures, distinguished, 28
key features, 27
Rejlander, Oscar Gustav, 27, 28, 1188
symbols, contrasted, 27
Allegorisis, 28
Allen, Frances Stebbins, 29
Allen, Mary Electa, 29
Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence, 29–30
Alophe, Menut Alexander, 30
Alps, 541, 822, 947
Bisson, Auguste-Rosalie, 162, 163, 164
Civiale, Aime, 300
Divald, Károly, 420
mountain photography, 949
panoramic photography, 1049–1050
Sella, Vittorio, 1263
Altobelli, Giocchino, 30
‘Night Views,’ 30
Amateur Photographer, 30–31, 186, 612
aesthetic photography movement, 31
audience, 31
content, 30–31
editors, 31
founding, 30–31
Hinton, Alfred Horsley, 31
objectives, 30–31
readers’ technical questions, 31
The Amateur Photographer, or Practical
Instructions in the Art of Dry Plate
Photography for Young and Old, 184
Amateur photographers, 18, 30–34
aesthetics and art photography, 34
Aguado de las Marismas brothers, 21–22
Albert, Prince Consort, 1447
art photography, 34, 642
Asser, Eduard Isaac, 86–87
characterized, 31–32
Craven, William, 343–344
daguerreotypes, 1211
Demachy, (Leon) Robert, 408
discussion among, 32
Driffi eld, Vero Charles, 732–734
Edinburgh Calotype Club, 470–471
1888 Kodak camera, 33
equipment, 33
exclusivity, 179
France, 1294–1295
Germany, 582, 585
social distinction, 585
Great Britain, 608, 1303, 1304
Harrison, William Jerome, 635–636
Hungary, 728
importance, 31–32
infl uence, 32
Italy, 757
Japan, 773
journals, 183–184

Kodak cameras, 433
Mackey, Father Peter Paul, 881
manuals, 183–184
middle class, 432
Neyt, Adolphe L., 999–1000
in 19th century photography, 31–34
Nordman-Severova, Natalia, 1231
Olie, Jacob, 1022–1024
Perier, Charles-Fortunat-Paul-Casimir,
Photo-Club de Paris, 1072–1073
Bucquet, Maurice, 1072–1073
photography recognized as art, 1072
Photographic News, 1087
photographic paper, 1052
Photographische Rundschau, 1096
Poland, 1142
publications, 33
Relvas, Carlos, 1189
Rivière, Henri, 1197–1198
Ross, Horatio, 1211
Russian Empire, 1231
Sauvaire, Henri, 1244
snapshot photography, 1278
technical contributions, 32, 33
Tolstoy, Sophia, 1231
tourist photography, 1398
training, 473–474
travel photography, 1404–1405
United States, 1309, 1429–1430
Victoria, Queen of England, 1447
Watzek, Hans, 1480
wet collodion process, 33
women photographers, 1504–1505
subject matter, 1504
Wood, John Muir, 1508
Amateur Photographic Association, 1085
Ambrotypes, 1486–1488, 1487, see also
Collodion positive
Argentina, 72
cases, 952
Cutting, James Ambrose, 357
itinerant photographers, 1488
Japan, 771, 1488
New Zealand, 993
patents, 342
portraits, price, 1101
union cases, 1420–1421, 1422
American Amateur Photographer, 33, 34
The American Carbon Manual (Wilson,
Edward Livingstone), 180
American cities, leporellos, 62
American Film, 803
American Journal of Photography, 35–36
excerpts from other publications, 35–36
leadership, 35
photographic chemistry, 35
reported on technological innovation, 36
scientifi c point of view, 35, 36
Seely, Charles A., 35, 36
subscribership, 35
technology and social implications of
photography debated, 36
trade manuals, 35
American Museum of Photography, Jennings,
William Nicholson, founder, 773
American Mutoscope and Biograph, 944
American Photographical Society, 1308–1309
American Photographic Society, 32
American Stereoscopic Company, 825–826
American West
daguerreotypes, 794–795
documentary photography, 426
expedition photography, 511
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