
(Wang) #1

I 20


Eastman, George (continued)
as philanthropist, 465
photo fi nishing, 463–464
photographic manufacturing business,
plate-coating machine, 802
roll fi lm, 224, 803, 1207–1208
Walker, William Hall, 1465–1466
Wellington, James Booker Blakemore,
x-ray photography, 464
technical innovation, 463–465
Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company, 803
international expansion, 803
Eastman Dry Plate Company, 802–803
Eastman Kodak Company, 225, 804, 1429,
acquisitions, 464
Bausch and Lomb, 121
business phenomenon, 804
Cadett and Heall Dry Plate Ltd, takeover,
Camera Works Division, 225
E&HT Anthony & Co.
competition, 50
litigation, 50
European companies, 804
Kodachrome, 465
Kodak Bonus, 464
motion picture fi lm, 465
patents, 342
refi nanced in London, 464
reorganization, 464
Synthetic Organic Chemicals Department,
World War I, 464–465
Eastman Negative Paper, 803
Eastman-Walker roll fi lm holder, 224, 803,
Eaton, Thomas Damant, 466
Eburneum prints, 1155
Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, photographic
collections, 67
Economics of photography, 466
1840s, 466–467
1850s, 467
1860s, 467–468
1870s, 468
1880s, 468–469
1890s, 469
Eder, Josef Maria, 115, 182–183, 469–470,
493, 666, 1095, 1132, 1133, 1251,
1286, 1288, 1432
color inventions, 469
professor of chemistry and physics, 469
publications, 469–470
sensistometry, 469
Edgerton, Philip Henry, 930
Edinburgh, Scotland, aerial perspective, 1062
Edinburgh Calotype Club, 470–471
amateur photographers, 470–471
camera clubs, 470–471
earliest organization, 1303
members, 471
Edison, Thomas Alva, 471–473, 943
biography, 472–473
Dickson, William Kennedy-Laurie,
offi cial photographer, 417
early life, 472–473
independent research laboratory, 472–473
inventor, 471–473
Kinetograph camera, 471–472
Kinetoscope viewer, 471–472

moving picture fi lm, 471–472
moving pictures, 434, 435, 471–472
patents, 471–473
Edison Vitascope, 944
Edler, Anton, 473
Edmonds, Pierre, 23
Edwards, J.D., 475
military photography, 475
Edward VII, King of England, photography
collections, 1215
Egerton, Philip Henry, 475
India, 475
Egressy, Gábor, 727
Egypt, 18, 475–478, 896, 1029–1030
Arnoux, Hippolyte, 73
Béchard, Henri and Émile, 131
Baker, Nathan Flint, 729–730
calotypes, 1408, 1493
Cammas, Henri, 261
Délié, Hipployte, 131
daguerreotypes, 476
earliest, 476
de Banville, Vicomte Aymard Athanase,
Du Camp, Maxime, 441, 441–442, 477
fi rst travel album, 442
ethnographic photography, 501–502
expedition photography, 510–511
French photographers predominated,
Frith, Francis, 558–559, 560–561
Goupil-Fesquet, Frédéric, 476
Greene, John Beasly, 619–621
trained Egyptologist, 619, 620
Hammerschmidt, Wilhelm, 633
Hunt, Leavitt, 729–730
Joly de Lotbinière, Pierre-Gustave Gaspard,
476, 779
Legekian, G. & Co., 840
Le Gray, Gustave, 835
local professional studios, 477–478
paper or glass supported negative processes,
production of visual souvenirs, 477–478
Salzmann, Auguste, 1240
Sebah & Joaillier, 1260–1261
Smyth, Charles Piazzi, 1124–1125
Teynard, Félix, 477, 1382–1384, 1383
tourist photography, 477–478
Trémaux, Pierre, 1408
Vernet, Horace, 476
wet collodion process, 476
Wheelhouse, Claudius Galen, 1493
Zangaki brothers, 1521
Egypt and Palestine photographed and
described by Francis Frith (Frith,
Francis), 189
E&HT Anthony & Co., 48, 49, 1093, 1094
albumen paper manufacturing, 49–50
catalogues, 1093
dry plates, 50
Eastman Kodak Company
competition, 50
litigation, 50
hand cameras, 50
magic lantern manufacturing, 49
manufacturing cameras, tripods, equipment
and photograph cases, 48, 49
new photographic processes, 49
pocket cameras, 50
producer of photographic chemicals, 49
published Brady’s Civil War views, 49
stereograpy, 49
W.H. Jackson’s views of Yellowstone, 49

Eickemeyer, Rudolf Jr., 478–479, 1127
Eidoloscope, 944
1888 Kodak camera, 33
Electric arc-lamps, 84
Electricity, 1070
Faraday, Michael, relation between
electricity and magnetism, 520
Electric light, 84, 1357
Electrocardiograms, Bull, Lucien Georges, 229
The Electrotypist’s Manual (Palmer, W.
Vaughan), 178
Elliott, Joseph John, 479, 479–480
Elliott & Fry
celebrity photography, 479–480
photographic style, 480
portraits, 479–480
sitters, 480
Elliott & Son, Acres, Birt, 3–4
Ellis, Alexander John, 480–482
biography, 481–482
daguerreotypes, 480–481
earliest daguerreotypes, 480–481
vedute, 480
publications, 480–482
Ellis, William, 482, 482–483
Hawaii, 482–483
Madagascar, 482–483
El Salvador, 284
Emerson, Peter Henry, 34, 186, 347, 483–486,
485, 612, 700–701, 704–705, 706
biography, 485–486
focusing, 540
naturalistic photography, 483–484, 980
congruence of art and science, 980
differential focus, 980
publications, 981
reversal, 981
Norfolk, England, 483
photogravures, 80, 483, 1112
pictorialism, 1126, 1130
place of aesthetic matters, 186
publications, 483–486
repudiation of photography as art, 981
Robinson, Henry Peach, public debate with,
theories of naturalistic focusing, 484
Empirical science, as ideological discourse,
Emulsions, 2, 486–488, see also Specifi c type
albumen emulsions, 486
color sensitivity, 487
defi ned, 486
gum prints, 624, 626
magnesium, 84
principles, 487
Sayce, B.J., fi rst true emulsion, 1248
science of photography, 1254
Talbot’s original process of dipping then
drying, 486
Energiatypes, 1155
Engineering photography, see also Industrial
Collard, Auguste-Hippolyte, 308–309
Howlett, Robert, documented construction
of steamship Leviathan, 717, 718
Notman, William MacFarlane, 1011
Oosterhuis, Pieter, 1026
photographic collections, 66
Winter, Charles David, 1501
England, William, 488–489
biography, 489
exhibitions, 489–490
exotic views, 488
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