I 36
Mansion, see Larue, Andre Jean
The Manual of Photography, 214
A Manual of Photography (Hunt, Robert), 178
Manual of Photography (Lea, Matthew Carey),
A Manual of the Carbon Process of
Photography (Liebert, Alphonse), 182
A Manual of the Collodion Process (Archer,
Frederick Scott), 179
Manuals, 9, 665, see also photography books
1840s, 177–178
1850s, 178–179
numbers, 178
1860s, 180–181
genesis of medium, 180
history of photography, 180
specialized, 180
1870s, 181–182
equipment selection, 181
by plate-making industry, 181
1880s, 182–184
fi rst bibliography, 183
journals, 183
specialized, 182
technological change, 182–183
1890s, 185–187
debate around photography as art, 185
specifi c applications, 186
amateur photographers, 183–184
carbon printing, 1466
European vs. American methodologies, 178
ferrotypes, 182
fi rst photographic manual, 177
handbooks directed to non-professionals,
Hunt, Robert, 731
photographic retailing advertisements in,
photohistorian, 1115
portraits, 182
Pou Y Camps, Juan Maria, 1167
Price, William Lake, 1172
retouching, 1190–1191
Richebourg, Pierre Ambroise, 1194
Scovill & Adams, 1259
Snelling, Henry Hunt, 1279
Spain, 1324
Sparling, Marcus, 1329
Stillman, William James, 1348
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 177
Underwood, Bert, 1418–1419
Underwood, Elmer, 1418–1419
Welford, Walter D., 1485
Manzi, Michel, 603
as clients, Pulman Studio, 1179
White, Margaret Matilda, 1497
Mapping, photogrammetry, 1081
Marastoni, Lakab, 726
Marconi, Gaudenzio, 889–890
biography, 890
collaboration with Rodin, 889–890
Franco-Prussian War, 889
nude studies
features, 889
specialized photographic studios, 889
substitute for live models, 889
uses, 889
Marey, Étienne-Jules, 41, 229, 297, 298, 299,
549–550, 699, 890–892, 891, 941–942
biography, 892
chronophotography, 890–892
daylight-loading fi lm, 891
graphic method of recording motion, 890–892
instantaneous photography, 748
physiology of movement, 890–892
Margaritis, Philippos, 618, 892
Marignier, Jean-Louis, 1161
Marion and Company, 213–214, 733, 892–894
carte-de-visite, 893
cyanotypes, 893
photographic albums, 893–894
supplier of photographic equipment and
material, 892–894
Marion’s Practical Guide to Photography, 893
Marissiaux, Gustave, 894–895
biography, 895
landscape photography, 894, 895
naturalism, 894, 895
pictorialism, 894, 895
portraits, 894–895
social photography, 895
Maritime photography, Lemere, Harry
Bedford, 846
Eastman, George, 463
Fenton, Roger, 527
Nyblin, Daniel, 531–532
Martens, Friedrich, 898, 1048
daguerreotypes, fi rst daguerreotype
panoramic camera, 898
inventor, 898
Martin, Josiah, 899, 996
New Zealand, 899
Martin, Paul Augustus, 899–901, 1278
biography, 900–901
dry plate process, 899
lantern slides, 899–900
London camera clubs and salon exhibitions,
899, 900
night photography, 900
Martinique, 285
Marubbi family, 1037–1038
Marville, Charles, 168, 901–903, 902
architectural photography, 901–903
artistic training, 903
art reproductions, 901–903
biography, 903
historic monuments, 901–903
Maskell, Alfred, 625
Mass commercial printing, lithography, 632
Mass medium, wet collodion process, 684
Masury, Samuel, 903
Matsusaburo, Yokoyama, see Yokoyama
Matthews, Kate, 11
Matthies-Masuren, Fritz, 904
photography collections, 904
pictorialism, 904
publisher, 904
Matt silver papers, bromide print, 219
Matt surface, 80
Maull, George, 905
Maull, Henry, 904–905
Maull & Polyblank, see Maull & Co.
Maull & Co., 904–905
celebrity photography, 904–905
portraits, 904–905
Maull & Fox, see Maull & Co.
Mawson, John, 905
Mawson & Co., 905–906
Eastman, George, 906
Maxwell, James Clerk, 520, 705, 906–907
color photography, 906–907
color therapy, 318–319, 323
inventor, 906–907
light, 907
Mayall, John Jabez Edwin, 907–909, 908
biography, 908–909
carte-de-visite, 908, 909
celebrity photography, 908
enlarging, 908
Great Exhibition, 907, 908, 909
imitation crayon drawings, 907–908
royal photographers, 907, 908, 909
Mayer, Ernest, 909–910
Mayer, Frédéric, 909–910
Mayer and Pierson Company, 909–910
carte-de-visite, 910
portraits, 909–910
Mayer Frères, 909–910
Mayland, William, 910
Maynard, Hannah, 910–911
multiple exposure or trick photography, 911
woman photographer, 910–911
Maynard, Richard, 910–911
Canada, 910–911
Mazurin, Alexei, 1231
McClintock, Francis Leopold, 265
McCosh, John, 911–912, 930
biography, 912
calotypes, 911–912
English military surgeon, 911–912
India, 911–912
war photography, 911–912
McDonough, James W., 780
McGarrigle, John, 912–913
McGlashan, Alexander, 660
McGregor, John, 274, 275
McKellen, Samuel Dunseith, 913
camera design, 913
father of modern camera, 913
McLaughlin, Samuel, 262, 913
Canada, 913
Canada’s fi rst photographically
illustrated serial publication, 913
inventor, 913
McLean, Melhuish & Haes, 631
Mead, Bethia, 10
Meade, Charles Richard, 914–915
biography, 915
celebrity photography, 915
Daguerre, Louis Jacques Mandé, 914
daguerreotypes, 914
portraits, 915
technical excellence, 914
Meade, Henry W.M., 914–915
biography, 915
daguerreotypes, 914
technical excellence, 914
Meade, Mary Ann, woman photographer, 915
fi rst woman to practice the art of Daguerre,
Louis Jacques Mandé, 915
Mechanics, 1069
Mechanics’ institutes, exhibitions, 508–509
Media, professional studios, 1100
Medical photography, 68, 916–918, 917, 1099
analysis of, 917–918
Army Medical Museum, 1120
Bell, William, 142
calotypes, 916
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 288
conventions, 916, 917
defi ned, 916
documentary photography, 427
fi rst applications, 916
history of, 917, 918
in hospitals and institutions, 917
Londe, Albert, 869
medical periodicals, 917, 918
mental illness, 916
portrait photographers, 917