I 37
publishing, 916
representational act vs. creative
undertaking, 918
Mediterranean, Bridges, Reverend George
Wilson, seven-year photographic
odyssey, 212
Mediums, Crookes, Sir William, 350
Mees, C.E. Kenneth, 464, 465, 1513–1514
Megalethoscope, 247
Megaletoscopio, 1145
Megascopes, 1177
Meisenbach, Georg, 919
German etcher, 919
Melainotypes, see Tintypes
Melhuish, Arthur James, 919–920
designer of photographic apparatus, 920
photographic studios, 919–920
Memory, realism, 1445
Meniscus prism lens, 289
Mental illness, 415–417
documentary photography, 427
Hering, Henry, studies of mental patients at
Bethlem Hospital, 652–653
medical photography, 916
Tournachon, Adrien, 1402
White, Margaret Matilda, 1496
Merlin, Henry Beaufoy, 100, 920
Australia, Holtermann International
Travelling Exposition, 920
traveling photographers, 713
Mesmerism, 1332
Mestral, Auguste, 920–922, 921
architectural photography, 922
biography, 922
Commission des Monuments Historiques,
Mission Héliographique, 921–922
daguerreotypes, 921
Le Gray, Gustave, 920–922
portraits, 921
Société française de photographie, founding
member, 921
Société héliographique, founding member,
Mestral, Olivier, 834
Meteorological instruments, 1069, 1070
Meteorology, Bentley, Wilson Alwyn, 149
Metric photography, 1143
Metz, Karl, 842
Mexican-American War, 1467
Mexican War, Cosmes de Cossío, Antonio L.,
Mexico, 922–924
disseminating news, 923
documenting historical moments, 923
dominated by foreigners, 922
ethnographic photography, 923
fi rst photographs, 922
French photographers in, 923
itinerant photographers, 922
Mexico City
Campa, Luis G., 352
Cruces, Antioco, 352
fi rst photograph of, 922
photographs primarily as private celebration
of family and community, 922
photography studios, 922
promotion of Mexico, 923
travel and exploration, 923
Meydenbauer, Albrecht, 60–61, 924
architectural photography
photogrammetric cameras, 924
Prussian monuments, 924
historic monuments
photogrammetric cameras, 924
Prussian monuments, 924
Meydenbaur, Albrecht, 1081
Mezzo graphs, 626
Michetti, Francesco Paolo, 924
Michiels, Johann Franz, 924–925
wood-carver, 924
Micrography, 427
Microphotography, 490, 925–928, 927, 1335
architectural photography, 924–925
art reproductions, 924–925
city views, 924–925
Dancer, John Benjamin, invention, 379
defi ned, 925–926
desire to explore all modes of visuality, 927
Duchenne, Guillaume-Benjamin-Amant,
espionage, 926–927
fi rst, 926
fi rst newspaper microfi lms, 926
Franco-Prussian War, 696, 927
history, 926–927
novelty microphotographs, 926
photomicrography, differences, 926, 1120
process, 1120
Rosling, Alfred, 1209
Shadbolt, George, 1265
Siege of Paris, 14
subjects, 926
two very different processes, 925–926
use-value, 926
in visual culture, 927–928
edifying content, 928
experiencing technical marvel, 928
scientifi c intent vs. specular indulgence,
studying nature, 927–928
vision as tool of rational thought, 928
Watkins, Herbert, 1479
Microscopes, 289, 842, 926, 927–928, 1120,
1121, 1521
Chevalier, Charles Louis, 289
Chevalier, Jacques Louis-Vincent, 288–290
Sidebotham, Joseph, 1266
value of microscope images, 928
Microscopic photography, daguerreotypes, 676
Middle class
amateur photography, 432
Art Union, 82
ascendancy, 670
carte-de-visite, 431
domestic photography, 431
acquisition of images, 431
family photography, 431
acquisition of images, 431
Norway, 1009
popularity of photography, 1127
portraits, 431, 670
tourist photography, 1398
United States, 1429
Middle East, 475–478, see also Specifi c
anthropometric photography, 501–502
Baker, Nathan Flint, 729–730
earliest camera portrait of Middle
Eastern woman, 730
fi rst Americans to photograph, 729
Bridges, Reverend George Wilson, seven-
year photographic odyssey, 212
daguerreotypes, 476
Du Camp, Maxime, 510–511
Hunt, Leavitt, 729–730
earliest camera portrait of Middle
Eastern woman, 730
fi rst Americans to photograph, 729
Kodak cameras, 502
Orientalism, 1029–1032
retail outlets for photography, 1093–1094
Robertson, James, 1201
Miethe, Adolf, 929, 1066
magnesium fl ash powder, 929
writer, 929
Migurski, Karol Josef, 929
city views, 929
fi rst photographic instruction manual in the
Russian language, 929
Odessa, 929
Military, photographic collections, 66
Military observation
Crimean War, 14
early history, 13–15
U.S. Civil War, 14
Military operations, sub-Saharan Africa, 17
Military photography, 740, 929–931, see also
Specifi c type; War photography
alignment of European military and civil
authority, 930
American West, 931
Beato, Felice, 128–131
Bell, William, 142
Brandt, Christian Friedrich, 201
Burke, John, 230
Burmese War, 1317
Crémière, Léon, 344
documentary photography, 426
Edwards, J.D., 475
Ermakov, Dmitri, 494, 495
Fenton, Roger, 527
France, 930–931
Germany, 583–584
Great Britain, 930–931
Harrold, Sergeant John, 637
independent practitioners, 930
Japan, 772
Jennings, William Nicholson, 774
Le Gray, Gustave, 835
politically motivated, 930
survey photography, 929
uses, 929–930
Miller, Milton, China, 294
Milles, Charlotte, production of photographic
albums, 1504–1505
Miniature painting, 1043–1044
Mining photography, 1018
Minutoli, Baron Alexander von, 141
arts and crafts catalogues, 142
Miot, Paul-Emile, 932–933
Arctic, 932
Canada, early photographs, 932–933
hydrographic and mapping mission, 932
naval career, 932–933
Newfoundland, early photographs,
Misonne, Lénard, 933
Belgium, 933
pictorialist, 933
Missionaries, photography, teaching and
conversion aid, 17
Mission Héliographique, 124, 548, 838, 843–
844, 921–922, 933–935, 1282
architectural photography, 59
Baldus, Édouard Denis, 108
Bayard, Hippolyte, 124
France, 933–935, 1282
goals, 933, 935
historic monuments, 548, 933–935, 1282
Société héliographique, 934
survey photography, 1360–1361
topographical photography, 1396