I 58
Swan, Joseph Wilson (continued)
gelatine bromide dry plate, 1367
inventor, 1366–1367
British scientist, 1366–1367
carbon printing, 905
Carbon Process, 103
gelatino-bromide paper process, 906
patents, 905
Swann Galleries, 96
Sweden, 1367–1368
daguerreotypes, 1367
early photography, 1367
pictorialism, 1368
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1332
Switzerland, 1368–1370, 1369
early photography, 1368–1369
Isenring, Johann Baptist, 752
landscape photography, 1370
patents, 1055
photographic studios, 1369–1370
Symbolism, 80, 1435
pictorialism, 1128
Symbols, allegorical photography, contrasted,
Syria, Joly de Lotbinière, Pierre-Gustave
Gaspard, 779
Székely, Dr., 40
Szarkowski, John, 348
Szathmári, Károly Pap, Crimean War, 727
Szathmari, Carol Popp de, 1370–1371
Crimean War, 1371
portraits, 1370–1371
Romanian photographer, 1370
T. & R. Annan & Sons, see Annan, T. & R. &
Taber, Charles & Co., 173
Taber, Isaac West, 1373, 1373
Taber, Isaiah W., 11
Tableaux, 1373–1375, 1375
of boards, 953–954
defi ned, 1373
development, 1374
stereoscopic photography, 1375
Tableaux vivants, Robinson, Henry Peach,
Taft, Robert, 1375–1376
fi rst comprehensive history of American
photography, 1375–1376
photohistorian, 1375–1376
Tailboard cameras, 247, 248
Talbot, Christopher Rice Mansell, 608
Talbot, Constance, woman photographer, 1504
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 6–7, 49, 158, 196,
370, 470–471, 492, 627, 710, 1076–
1077, 1112, 1252, 1253, 1376–1378,
ability of photographs to create false
impressions, 552
Amici, Giovanni Battista, 36–37
art photography, 74
Assyrian cuneiform, 1378
botanical photography, 194
Brewster, Sir David, 209–210
Bridges, Reverend George Wilson, 211–212
British Museum, 216
calotypes, 239, 341, 607, 1378
calotype printing establishment at
Reading, 678
fi rst commercial photographically
illustrated book, 678
process, 1378
subjects, 678
camera lucida, 324–325, 669
camera obscura, 669, 1376–1377
cliché-verre, 675
composition, 324–325, 326, 328
earliest cameras, 244
early experiments, 1376
education, 1376
exposure, 515–516
Faraday, Michael, 521
focusing, 538
forensic photography, 344
gelatin, 1080
genre photography, 575
Henneman, Nicolaas, assistant, 648–649
Horne, Thornthwaite and Wood, 715
Hunt, Robert, 731
image to capture, 671
industrial photography, 741
instantaneous photography, 747
invention of photography, 606–607
Jones, Calvert Richard, 781, 782
latent image, 828
Literary Gazette, 863–864
Llewelyn, John Dillwyn, 866
Lorent, Jakob August, 873
patents, 1054, 1076, 1080, 1378
The Pencil of Nature, 325, 1057–1058
affi liation with fi ne arts, 1057
ancestor of mass illustration, 1057
pasted-in original calotype prints, 1057
Reading Establishment, 1057
subjects, 1057
photoengraving, 1378
photogenic drawings, 1377
photoglyphic engraving, 1080, 1378
photohistorian, 1114
Pretsch, Paul, 1076
Report by the Juries. Great Exhibition of
the Work of Industry of All Nations,
Royal Society of London, 1221–1222
relaxing of calotype patents, 1222
salted paper print, 1237
still lifes, 1344
Talbot-Klič process, see Photogravures
Talbot v. Henderson, Fry, Peter Wickens, 563
Talbot v. Laroche, 341, 608, 827–828, 1184
Talbotypes, see Calotypes
Talbotype Studios, 479
Tannin process, 440
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 98
Tasset, Guillaume, 399
Taunt, Henry William, 1379
photographically illustrated guides, 1379
Taunt & Co., illustrated books, 1379
Taupenot, Jean Marie, 1379–1380
collodio-albumen technique, 1380
dry collodion process, 1379
Société française de photographie, 1379,
Taupenot process, 1380
Taupenot process, see Dry collodion
Taylor, A. & G., 1381
carte-de-visite, 1381
photographic studios, 1381
largest photographers in the world, 1381
studio props, 1381
Taylor, Baron, 934
Taylor, John Traill, 1382
infl uential fi gure in photographic press in
Great Britain, 1382
Taylor, Richard, 1071
Teasdale, Washington, 1253
Technical photography, Argentina, 72
Technological modernization, 794
Technological progress, as deeply held belief,
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 938–940
patents, 938–940
Telephone, Reis, Philip, 841
Telephoto lens
Dallmeyer, Thomas Ross, 376
fi rst, 42
Tenison, Captain Edward King, 1382
architectural photography, 1382
Tenison, Louisa, woman photographer, 1504
Tenneriffe: An Astronomer’s Experiment
(Smyth, Charles Piazzi), fi rst book to
be photographically illustrated with
stereographs, 1184
Tennyson, Alfred, 258–259
Terris, Adolphe, 1382, 1383
construction photography, 1382
Textiles, 204
chromatic photographs, 1155–1156
Teynard, Félix, 601, 1382–1384, 1383
Egypt, 477, 1382–1384, 1383
expedition photography, 1382–1383
focus, 1384
Palestine, 477
Théâtre Optique, 1193
Thailand, 1316–1317
Chit, Francis, 295
early photography, 1284
ethnographic photography, 1213
Rossier, Pierre Joseph, 1213
Theatrical photography, see also Celebrity
publicity photographs, 1243
Reutlinger, Charles, 1192
Theories of origin
catastrophism, 579
uniformitarianism, 579
Thermoplastic cases, 278–279
Thin lens approximation, 1027–1028
Thomas, Alexander, 112
Thomas, John, 1384
Wales, 1384
Thomas Agnew & Sons, see Agnew, Thomas
& Sons
Thomas Houseworth & Company, see
Houseworth, Thomas & Company
Thomas Ottewill & Co., see Ottewill, Thomas
& Co.
Thompson, Charles Thurston, 1312–1313,
art reproductions, 1385–1387
biography, 1386–1387
British Museum, 1386
Great Exhibition, 1385
images of mirrors, 1385
Portugal, 1386, 1387
South Kensington Museum
earliest museum photographic service,
offi cial photographer, 1385–1387
Spain, 1386, 1387
Thompson, John, 425
Thompson, William, 1416
Thompson revolver camera, 253
Thoms, William John, 1010–1011, 1387
English writer, 1387
founded Notes & Queries, 1387
Thomson, John, 805, 962, 1314–1315, 1387–
1389, 1388, 1396
Asia, 1387–1389, 1388
China, 294, 695