
(Wang) #1

I 59


Far East, 502
London, everyday life photography,
social documentary photography, 695
still lifes, 1346
travel photography, 1387–1388
Thornthwaite, William Henry Emilien, 715
Thornton, John Edward, 1389–1390
patents, 1389–1390
producing cameras, 1389
Thornton Manufacturing Company, 1389
Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Company,
3-D photography, see Stereographic
Three-color additive photography, Ives,
Frederic(k) Eugene, 761–763
Three-color cameras, 253
Three-color Fresson printing, 739
Three-color photography, 270
Three-color printing process, 583
Thumb, General Tom, celebrity photography,
Tibet, White, John Claude, 1496
Tilbrook, Henry Hammond, 1390
Tilloch, Alexander, 1070–1071
Time, 669, 671
photographic metaphor, 673
temporary image, 673
Timiryasev, Kliment, 1231
Tint-meters, see Actinometers
Tintypes, 689, 857, 954, 1390–1392
Argentina, 72
cases, 1088
known commercial and popular names, 1392
manuals, 182
photographic practices, 1088
vernacular photography, framed and
painted, 1444
wet collodion process, 1390
Tissandier, Gaston, 1393–1394
biography, 1394
prodigious publishing activity, 1393–1394
scientifi c scholar, 1393–1394
Toepler, August, 879
Tolstoy, Sophia
amateur photographers, 1231
woman photographer, 1231
Tomlinson, William, patents, 342
Tonal relationships, development, 484
Toning, 1394–1395, see also Fixing
albumen prints, 1395
daguerreotypes, 1394
gold chloride, 1394–1395
salt prints, 1238, 1395
toning compounds, 574–575
Toning-fi xing baths, 534
Tonnesen, Beatrice, 11
Topical photography, Richebourg, Pierre
Ambroise, 1194–1195
Topley, William James, 1395
Canada, 1395
Topley Scientifi c Instruments Company, 1395
Topographical photography, 1395–1397
daguerreotypes, 1395–1396
France, 1396
indirect application of photography,
inherited ways of seeing, 1395
interpretation, 1396
Mission Héliographique, 1396
Portugal, 1152
Spain, 1326

subjects, 1396
Ward, Catherine Weed Barnes, 1472
Germany, 582–583
landscape photography, 818
travel photography, 1404, 1406, 1407
Tourist photography, 1397–1400, 1399, see
also Travel photography
amateur photographers, 1398
camera design, 1398–1399
Divald, Károly, 420–421
Egypt, 477–478
Greece, 618–619
growth of railway lines, 1398
local photographers, 1398
middle class, 1398
nationalism, 1400
Palestine, 477–478
photographic societies, 1399
photographic stereotypes, 1399
produced by professionals, 1398
seaside resorts, 1399
tourist vs. traveler, 1399–1400
Tournachon, Adrien, 971, 974, 1400–1402, 1401
mental illness, 1402
brothers, 1400–1402
business partners, 1400–1402
lawsuit between, 1402
physiognomic studies, 1400, 1402
portraits, 1401–1402
Tournachon, Gaspard-Félix, see Nadar
Towler, John, 1402–1403
publishers, 1402–1403
Townshend, Chauncy Hare, 1403–1404
British art collector, writer and poet,
photography collections
bequest to South Kensington Museum,
early photographs, 1403–1404
Trémaux, Pierre, 477
Africa, 1408
architectural photography, 1408
Asia Minor, 1408
calotypes, 1408
Egypt, 1408
Trade albums, 10–11
Trade manuals, American Journal of
Photography, 35
Traité des impressions photographiques
sans sel d’argent (Poitevin, Alphonse
Louis), 183
Traité Encyclopédique de Photographie (Fabre,
Charles), 184
Transfer lithography, 1117
Transferotypes, 1155
Transit of Venus, 90
Instructions for Observing the Transit of
Venus, December 6, 1882, 184
Transverse wave hypothesis, 555–556
Travel books, 192
Traveling cameras, 248
Travel photography, 59, 1111, 1404–1407, see
also Tourist photography
albums, 1406
amateur photographers, 1404–1405
critical discourse surrounding, 1407
daguerreotypes, fi rst book of travel images,
fi rst practitioners, 1404–1405
fi rst travel book with direct photographic
illustrations, 1405
initial productions defi ned elite market, 1405

photographers, 1406
postcards, 1406–1407
set of practices associated with view
photography, 1405–1406
stereo photography, 1406
Stone, Sir John Benjamin, 1351, 1352
Stuart-Wortley, Colonel Henry, 1353–1355
Thomson, John, 1387–1388
tourism, 1404, 1406, 1407
training architects, 60, 61
travel as method of empirical knowledge,
travel embraced as way of seeing and
knowing world, 1404
von Stillfried-Ratenicz, Baron Raimund,
Treasure Spots of the World (Woodbury, Walter
Bentley), fi rst coffee-table book, 1102
Treaty of Nanking, 292
Tree studies, 112
Trifolium, 1450
Trinidad, 286
Tripe, Linnaeus, 1408–1410, 1409
biography, 1410
Burma, 1408, 1410
India, 1408–1410
Triplet lens, lenses, 849–850
Tripods, 242
art photography, 77
combination prints, 77
in nature
Le Gray, Gustave, 835
pictorialism, 1129
vision, 79–80
T & R Willats, see Willats, T & R
Tuminello, Ludovico, 1410
Italy, 1410
war photography, 1410
Tung Hing, 294
Tunisia, 19
Turkey, Sebah & Joaillier, 1260–1261
Turkey Mill paper, 1491
distinctive watermark, 1491
Turkistan, Nekhoroshev, N., 986–987
Turner, Benjamin Brecknell, 1411–1412
albumen prints, 1411–1412
Amsterdam, 1412
biography, 1412
continental tour, 1411
exhibitions, 1411–1412
Great Britain, 1411–1412
architectural photography, 1411–1412
rural scenes, 1411–1412
Photographic Society of London, founder
member, 1411
Turner, Samuel N., camera manufacturer, 1412
291 gallery, Stieglitz, Alfred, 96, 1342
Two-color gravures, 1113
Typogravures, Goupil & Cie, 603
Tytler, Harriet Christina
India, 1412–1413
woman photographer, 1504
Tytler, Robert Christopher, India, 1412–1413
Uchida Kuichi, 772, 1415
Japan, 1415
portraits, 1415
royal photographer, 1415
Ueno Hikoma, 770
collodion wet plate, Japan’s fi rst manual,
Japan, 1415
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