
(Wang) #1

I 62


Washington, Augustus (continued)
education, 1472–1473
portraits, abolitionist John Brown, 1473
Watch-form actinometers, 5
Waterhouse, James, 1474–1475
authority on photography under tropical
conditions, 1475
biograpy, 1475
India, 1474–1475
scientifi c studies, 1475
writing on photography, 1474–1475
Watkins, Alfred, 1476
actinometers, 1476
developing, 1476
exposures, 1476
Watkins Meter Company, 1476
Watkins, Carleton E, 1045
Watkins, Carleton E., 1477, 1477–1478
American West, 1477, 1478
art photography, 1477, 1477–1478
biography, 1478
California, 1478
West Coast and western states, 1478
Yosemite, 1477, 1478
Watkins, Herbert, 1479
celebrity portraits, 1479
microphotography, 1479
portraits, 1479
Watkins meter, 5
Watson, William & Sons
manufacturer of scientifi c and optical
instruments, 1479–1480
optician and optics manufacturer, 1479–
x-rays, 1480
Wattles, James M., 1480
Watzek, Hans, 1450, 1480
amateur photographers, 1480
blurring, 1480
landscape photography, 1480
pictorialism, 1480
Vienna, 1480
Vienna trifolium, 1480
Waxed paper process, 547, 682, 684–685,
advantages, 1481
Baker, Nathan Flint, 729–730
calotypes, difference between, 1481
camera design, 685
customized, 833–834
Fenton, Roger, 526
Hunt, Leavitt, 729–730
Innes, Cosmo Nelson, 746
Keith, Thomas, 793–794
landscape photography, 834
Le Gray, Gustave, 833–834, 1480–1482
Le Secq, Henri (Jean-Louis Henri Le Secq
des Tournelles), 838, 839
Lorent, Jakob August, 873
travel photography, 873–874
Murray, John, 963
photographers using, 1481–1482
photographic paper, 1052
post-processing manipulations, 1481
preparation, 1481
Smith, Samuel, 1275
White, John Forbes, 1496
Waxing, 241
W & D Downey, see Downey, W & D
Wedding photography, photographic markets,
Wedgwood, Thomas, 239, 389, 492, 606, 1252,
Davy,Sir Humphry, 1482–1483

comparative experiments, 1483
photographic experiments, 672
fi rst published accounts, 1482
Weed, Charles Leander, 294, 641, 1483,
California, 1484
China, 1484
Yosemite, 1484
Wegener, Otto, 1368, 1484
portraits, elite audience, 1484
Wegner, Louis, 987
Wehnert-Beckmann, Bertha, 1484
children, 1484
entrepreneur, 1484
Kirchner, Johanna Frederika Doris (Emma),
fi rst female daguerreotypist of
Germany, 799
portraits, 1484
Welford, Jeanie, 1485
Welford, Walter D., 1484–1485
cycling, 1484
manuals, 1485
photographic journal editor, 1484–1485
Welling, Frederick, 999
Wellington, James Booker Blakemore, 1485
The Brotherhood of the Linked Ring, 1485
Eastman, George, 1485
photographic manufacturing, 1485
Wellington & Ward, 1485
Wenham, Francis Herbert, 558, 560
Werge, John, 105, 115, 682, 719, 720, 1485
coloring daguerreotypes, 1485
Glasgow photographic studio, 1485
photographic and publishing business in
New York, 1485
Westfi eld, W.F., 1236
Wet collodion negatives, 615, 649, 1485
advantages, 1485
albumen prints, 1485
Archer, Frederick Scott, 55–57
ruins of Kenilworth Castle, 56
exactitude, 56
exposure times, 1486
Great Exhibitions of the Works of Industry
of All Nations, Crystal Palace, Hyde
Park (1851), 615
Gutch, John Wheeley Gough, 628
mountain photography, 948
night photography, 1006–1007
process, 1485–1486
salt prints, 1485
Wet collodion positive process, 1486–1488,
derived from collodion negative process,
Wet collodion process, 372, 608, 682–683,
684, 1379
acceptance, 684
advantage, 439
amateur photographers, 33
architectural photography, 60
Canada, 262
de la Rue, Warren, 394–395
disadvantage, 439
dry collodion plates, compared, 440
Egypt, 476
exposure, 516
Frith, Francis, 558
itinerant photography, 759
Japan, 770, 771
Le Gray, Gustave, 833, 834
mass medium, 684
Orientalism, 1030
Palestine, 476

photomicrography, 1120
prototype, 1001–1002
Rigby, Lady Elizabeth Eastlake, 1196
Rodger, Thomas, 1204
Russian Empire, 1228
Talbot’s legal proceedings, 683
tintypes, 1390
Wey, Francis, 346, 811, 1116, 1489–1490
biography, 1490
French writer and critic, 1489–1490
La Lumière, 1489–1490
Weywadt, Nicoline, woman photographer, 735
Whatman, James & Co., 1491–1492
paper manufacturer, 1491–1492
Wheatstone, Sir Charles, 210, 941, 1338, 1452,
biography, 1493
inventor, 1492–1493
natural philosophers, 1492
refl ecting stereoscope, 1492–1493
Wheatstone Refl ecting Stereoscopes, 1452
Wheeler, George Montague, 1019–1020
Wheelhouse, Claudius Galen, 1493–1494
calotypes, 1493
Egypt, 1493
photography’s earliest travelogues, 1493
Whipple, John Adams, 88–89, 1494–1495
astronomical photography, 1494
biography, 1495
crystalotypes, 1494–1495
inventor, 1494–1495
Whipple & Black, 164
Whistler, James Abbot McNeill, 625
White, Clarence Hudson, 1495
The Brotherhood of the Linked Ring, 1495
exhibitions, 1495
inspirational teacher, 1495
Photo-Secession, founding member, 1495
pictorialism, 1495
White, Henry, 1495–1496
White, John Claude, 1496
Bhutan, 1496
Himalayan mountains, 1496
Nepal, 1496
Sikkim, 1496
Tibet, 1496
White, John Forbes, 1496
Scotland, 1496
waxed paper process, 1496
White, Margaret Matilda, 1496–1497
Maori, 1497
mental illness, 1496
New Zealand, 1496–1497
Whitman, Walt, Hartmann, Sadakichi, 637
Wide-angle lens, panoramic cameras, 256
Wild Life on a Tidal Water (Emerson, Peter
Henry), 192
Wildlife photographers, 40–42
Wild-Wirth, Heinrich, 1078
Willème, François, 1497
photosculpture, 1497
Willard, J.W. & Co., 1093
Willats, Richard, 1093
Willats, T & R, 1093
William Notman & Sons, see Notman, William
& Sons
Williams, James J., 641
Williams, Thomas Richard, 1498–1499
Crystal Palace Exhibition, 1498–1499
stereophotography, 1498–1499
still lifes, 1498
William Watson & Sons, see Watson, William
& Sons
Willis, William, 1499
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