Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1
Chronicle of Nietzsche 's Life 359

N. is enterprising: "Scholarship, art, and philosophy are now growing
together in me so fully that someday I am sure to give birth to a cen-
taur" (February 15). Strikes up a friendship with Franz Overbeck
(April). Rohde joins N. in Tribschen (June 11). "As far as Bayreuth is
concerned, I have considered that it would be best for me to relinquish
my professorial duties for a few years and join the pilgrimage to the
Fichtelgebirge" (June 19).

When the Franco-Prussian War begins (July 19), N. is at work on his
essay "Dionysian Woddview." N. asks to be granted a leave of absence
to participate in the war "as a soldier or medical ordedy."

August 9 to October 21: Military service as a medic. Gathers corpses and
wounded soldiers on a batdefield. During a transport of the wounded,
N. falls ill with dysentery and diphtheria. Upon his return to Basel, N.
writes: "Right now I consider Prussia a highly dangerous power for art"
(November 7).

Christmas and New Year's in Tribschen. Quite harmonious. Presents
Cosima with a copy of his "Dionysian Woddview."

N. suffers from insomnia. "It is difficult to get down to my real work,
and I am throwing away the best years of my life by teaching too much"
(January 21). N. applies for a philosophy professorship in Basel, but is
turned down (February). "I have absolutely no compass to point me
toward my destiny" (March 29). Conflagration of the Tuileries by the
communards stuns N.: "What does it mean to be a scholar in the face of
such earthquakes of culture!... It is the worst day of my life" (May 27).
Work on The Birth of Tragedy, Frequent visits to Tribschen, but this year
he does not go at Christmastime. Wagner is disappointed.

January: The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music is published. Wagner
is enthusiastic. Writes to Rohde: "I have formed an alliance with Wagner.
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