Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1
Chronicle of Nietzsche 's Life 360

You cannot imagine how close we are now and how fully our plans
mesh" (January 28). The experts in his field reject the book. Ritschl calls
it "witty carousing."

January to March: Lectures "On the Future of Our Educational
Institutions." Jacob Burckhardt to Arnold von Salis: "You should have
heard the things he said! Parts of it were quite captivating, but you could
discern a deep sadness" (April 21). N. wants to resign from his profes-
sorship and work as a publicist for Bayreuth. Wagner dissuades him.
Wagner moves to Bayreuth (April). May 22: In attendance at the cere-
monial laying of the foundation stone in Bayreuth together with his
friends Gersdorff and Rohde. Wagner to N.: "Stricdy speaking, you are
the only benefit apart from my wife that life has brought my way."
Wagner does publicity work for N.
N. composes his "Manfred Meditations." Hans von Bülow pronounces
them "awful" Lecture: "Homer's Contest." Christmas and New Year's
in Naumburg.

Ν. is frequently ill Rohde publishes an essay to defend The Birth of
Tragedy (March). N. studies Afrikan Spir's Denken und Wirklichkeit
(Thought and Reality). Works on "Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the
Greeks." Eye disease. N. dictates "On Truth and Falsehood in an
Extramoral Sense" to his friend Gersdorff (June). N. works on the first
Untimely Meditation. After rereading The Birth of Tragedy, Wagner writes to
N. that he anticipates a time "when I will have to defend your book
against you" (September 21). N. is despondent. "Only when I produce
something am I truly healthy and do I feel well. Everything else is a bad
musical interlude" (September 27). N. writes "Exhortation to the
Germans" for the Wagner Society of Patrons (to finance Bayreuth) in
October. The society rejects the text ("too bold"). Works on the second
Untimely Meditation. Christmas and New Year's in Naumburg.
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