Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1

absolute reality, 78-79,160-61
Achilles, 69
Adorno, Theodor W., 344-46
aestheticism, Mann's warning against, 325
"affect of distance," 270
amor fati, 26,177
Anaxagoras, 110
androgyny, 245-46
anthropodicy, 191
anthropomorphism, atomism and, 150
Antichrist, The (Der Antichrist) (Nietzsche),
antimony of freedom, 176-77
anti-Semitism, FN's hatred o£ 283,338-40
Apollo, Apollonian, 344
art and culture and, 80-81,88,286,
FN's developing theory o£ 50,65-66,
Mann and, 324
war and, 70
see also Dionysus, Dionysian
Aristotle, 74,146
Arnim, Achim von, 90
art, 22-24,61,83,159,182,201,305,322
audience refinement and, 105
bourgeois decay of, 106
commodification and profit in, 91,97
death and, 325
Dionysian-to-Apollonian shift of, 324
FN's influence on, 323,326

guilt linked to, 75
illusion and, 161,195-96
"metaphysical solace^7 ' of, 103-4,107
metaphysics and, 196-97
morality and politics vs., 325
pathos and, 22-23
power of, 286,290
redemption through, 45,89,95
as refuge for elite, 148
as refuge from boredom, 23-24,197-98
as religion, 88-89,96,140-41,153,
self-disgust and, 198
social progress as threat to, 76,77
as soothing, 112-13
superiority of creators of, 73
Wagner and, 88-89,157
see also culture; music
"Art and Revolution" (Die Kunst und die
Revolution) (Wagner), 91-92
Aryans, 332,339-40
ascetics, asceticism, 49,193,264,302-3
"as if," philosophy oÇ 117
atheism, 113,307-8
atoms, Democritus's universe of,
Attempt ai a Philosophy of Life ( Vom
Umsturz der Werte) (Scheler), 327
"Attempt at Self-Criticism" ("Versuch
einer Selbstkritik") (Nietzsche),

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