Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1

394 Index

Augustine, Saint, 289,298,300
Avenarius, Ferdinand, 314

Bad Kosen, 39
Baeumler, Alfred, 334-37
Bakunin, Mikhail, 91
Ball, Hugo, 326
Basel, 19,57,60,72,126,148,220,248
FN as professor in, 43,54,60,84,
"base" vs. "noble," 186,301
Bastille, storming of, 120
Bataille, Georges, 346
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, 97
Bauer, Bruno, 121
Baumgartner, Adolf. 126-27
Bayreuth Festival, 14,72,98-99,
becoming, Spir's theory of, 161-62
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 112,196
"Before the Crucifix" ("Vor dem
Cruzifix") (Nietzsche), 247
Behler, Emst, 12
Behrens, Peter, 324
being, consciousness and, 211-12
Being and Time (Sein und Zeit)
(Heidegger), 212
bellum omnium contra omnes ("war of all
against all"), 71,113
Benjamin, Walter, 11 η
Benn, Gottfried, 317n
Bergson, Henri, 326-27
Berlin, 125,256
Bertram, Ernst, 324,330-33
Beyond Good and Evil (Jenseits von Gut
und Böse) (Nietzsche), 28,37.55,
binary oppositions, in Hegelian historical
process, 122
Bindung, Kari, 337
Birth of Tragedy, The (Die Geburt der
Tragödie) (Nietzsche), 59-84,
concept of Apollonian-Dionysian

developed in, 65-69,77-80
concept of Dionysian wisdom in,
concept of genius in, 191,264
criticisms of, 83
Dionysian origins of Greek drama
examined in, 60-63,65,181
"existence" formula expressed in, 73
FN^s later preface to, 20,284
historidsm in, 87,118
morality analyzed in, 104
musical ecstasy in, 21-22,62-63,100,
myth defined in, 86-87,140
"problem of science" in, 195-96
Socrates as portrayed in, 63-64,65,81,
symbol of young tiger in, 113
two public lectures as first stage of, 60
writing of, 58,60,65
Bismarck, Otto von, 275
Bizet, Georges, 243
Bloch, Emst, 328
"blond beast," 265
Bonn, FN at university in, 40
boredom, art as refuge from, 23-24,
Boy 's Magic Horn, The (Des Knaben
Wunderhom) (Brentano and
Arnim, eds.), 90
Brahms,Johannes, 137
Brentano, Clemens, 90
Brinton, Crane, 1 5n
Brockhaus, Heinrich, 56-57
Bruno, Giordano, 226
Büchner, Ludwig, 110
Bülow, Hans von, 54-55
Burckhardt, Jacob, 69-70,275
on major forces of existence, 70
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 34-35,40
capitalism, art reduced by, 91
Carlyle, Thomas, 263,264,318
Carmen (Bizet), 243-44
Case of Wagner, The (Der Fatt Wagner)
(Nietzsche), 98,244,305,309,315
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