Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1

396 Index

Daybreak (Mörganröte) (Nietzsche) (continued)
systematizers in, 159
writing of, 181-82,203-5,206,219
death, 323
art and, 325
universality of, 132
decadence, origins of, 309-10
democracy, 74,81,148,296-97,325
Democritus, 53,110,150-51,152,153
Descartes, René, 97,110,300
determination, free will and, 37
determinism, Marx's contribution to, 111
Deussen, Paul, 20-21,285
Dialectic of Enlightenment (Dialektik der
Aufklärung (Adorno and
Horkheimer), 344-46
Diethe, Carol, 12
Dilthey, Wilhelm, 320
Dionysian wisdom, 77-78,79,83,104,
"Dionysian Worldview, The" ("Die
dionysische Weltanschauung")
(Nietzsche), 65,67,68
Dionysus, Dionysian, 15,50,65-70,169,
absolute reality as, 78,82-83
asceticism vs., 303
dance as, 274,324
decadence compared with, 309
description of, 65-67,79
FN's critique of will to knowledge
built on. 84
in FN's theory of myth, 88
Heidegger on, 344
"logical denial of the world" vs.,
music as, 21-22,65-66,100-103,149,
nature as, 113
and origins of Greek tragedy,
Ordepp and, 247
perpetual rebirth of, 225
in politics, 85
power and, 346
pragmatism and, 321-22

rapture and, 21-22
Übermensch and, 268-69
war and, 67-70,328
young tiger as symbol oL, 113
see also Apollo, Apollonian
"disenchantment" of the world, 88
"dividualization" (dividuum), of the
individual, 26,29,184-85,302
customs directed by, 189
FN's theory of, 216
"earthly consonance," 146
EcceHomo (Nietzsche), 138-39,150,314
covert reference to Ortlepp in, 247
Darwinist idea of Übermensch denied
in, 263-64,266
Dionysian tragic sensibility developed
in, 268-69
FN's confidence demonstrated in, 28,
FN's mother and sister insulted in, 13,
FN's vision of inspiration described in,
"God is dead" in, 307-8,310
morality examined in, 182
will to power as central concern of,
ego, 22,26,302
as fiction, 299 -300
phantoms of, 212
Ego and His Own, The (Der Einzige und
sein Eigentum) (Stirner), 125
Eiser, Otto (FN's doctor), 178,179
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 263
Empedocles, 52
energy, conservation of, 229,292
Engels, Friedrich, 121
Enlightenment, 89,128,142
Erises, 69
Ermanarich, King of the Ostrogoths,
FN's essay on, 31
Eroica (Beethoven), 112
essence, 49-50,207
essentialist prisons, Stirner on, 128
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