Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography

(Brent) #1
Index 395

causality, 37,175
"imaginary" 191
causa prima (prime cause), 290,293
Celestial Dynamics (Beiträge zur Dynamik
des Himmels) (Mayer), 229
"Childhood of Peoples, The" ("Die Kindheit
der Völker") (Nietzsche), 33
child labor, FN as proponent οζ 148
Christianity,43,110, 111, 140,141,246,
advantages offered to underprivileged
by, 296
genius of, 297.339
morality in. 300,302-3,308,310
Platonism and, 152-53
as religion of low self-esteem, 192-93
self-configuration and, 39
see also God
Circulation of Life (Kreislauf des Lebens)
(Moleschott), 110
cogito ergo sum, 300
cognition, 145,152,154,164,287,289
Collège de France, 347
Colli, Giorgio, 12,17
Cologne, 20-21
Columbus, Christopher, 206,219
communication, consciousness and, 214
communion, FN's refusal of, 43-44
consciousness, 23,37,77,81,115-16,
awakening to, 38
being and, 211-12
"chamber of" 159-60
communication and, 214
in continuum, 207
description of, 208-9
Dionysian, 103,160
eternal recurrence and, 230
and FN's criticism of esteem, 63
individuum est ineffabile and, 211-13
intentional structure of, 208-9
limits of, 235-36
man as forum for, 113-14
nature as devoid οξ 173,174
opening up of, 67
perception and. 207-8

phenomenology and, 213-16,218
as product of thought, 28
purpose and, 327-28
transcending of, 160
contingency, ontology of, 347-48
Creative Evolution (L'Evolution créatrice)
(Bergson), 326
creative people, superiority of, 73
Critique of Pure Reason (Kritik der reinen
Vernunft) (Kant), 78
culture(s), 70-77,155
bicameral system oi, 200,202,
civilization and, 120,328,331 -32
cruelty as basis of, 71,75,188
as major force of existence, 70
"night of the gods" and, 88
slavery as necessity for, 71,74,77
typology of. 80-81
Übermensch and, 269
Willielminian, 320
see also art; music
customs, drives directed by, 189
Czoibe, Heinrich, 110
Dada, 326
dance, 279-81,309,324
Darwin, Charles, 261,262,266,282,
Darwinism, 38,48,113,261-63,266,
see also evolution
"David Strauss" (Untimely Meditation I)
(Nietzsche), 85,106,109,111-13
Daybreak (Mörgamröte) (Nietzsche), 189.
consciousness examined in, 207-13
cruelty analyzed in, 187-88
FN's estimation of, 219-20
nature in, 173,175,191
origins of morality analyzed in, 182,183,
perspectivism endorsed in, 207,
science vs. metaphysics in, 171,175,191
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