Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Arabic version of The Origins of the Islamic State was a text
published over 1000 years ago. So, within just a couple of
centuries of the death of Mohammed, a Muslim author was
detailing the rise of Mohammedʼs political religion and the
conquests by his army of jihadis, more than a thousand
years before Islamism was supposedly invented. Thus do
the elite deceive the public about the separability of Islam
(religion) and Islamism (politics). It is only with the shock of
9/11, the shock of realising that there are millions upon
millions of potential Islamic terrorists in the West, that The
Grand Lie was invented, and a fake distinction between
Islam the religion and political Islam was created.
The elite’s attempt to contain the public in an
ahistorical vacuum, pretending the Islamic State is some
whacky new idea invented by a bunch of Muslim lunatics in
the twentieth century, when in fact the concept of the
Islamic State spans the entire history of Europe from just
after the fall of the Roman Empire. Throughout history the
Islamic State was a concept of pivotal importance not just to
Muslims but to those Kuffar who needed to understand the
thinking of Muslims. Following sustained deception by
Muslims, politicians, journalists, clergy and academics, we
have reached the point where ex-Muslims are risking their
lives to warn us about how fascistic Islam is. One of the
most important of these is Hamed Abdel-Samed, an
academic who for his honest, simple statement of the
problem, now needs unceasing police protection (he moves
home every few months, he even has police protection
when he takes a flight on an airplane). This ex-Muslim is
prepared to risk his life to tell the truth to you and your

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