Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

We Kuffar Have Lost Our Minds

“They   [non-Muslims]   will    not fight   against you in  a
body save in fortified villages or from behind walls.
Their adversity among themselves is very great.
[Diversity is weakness] Ye think of them as a whole
whereas their hearts are divers. That is because they
are a folk who have no sense.”

Koran 59:14
We Kuffar have a vital need to understand why
Muslims are doing what they are doing, a need to slash our
way through the lies and deceits of the Quisling elite.
Indeed, before World War II, educated English speakers
knew that the Koran ended with calls to “kill the
unbelievers”, because English scholars translated the Koran

and put the verses into chronological order.^309 The Koran in
this form was in such demand that the up-market publisher
J.M. Dent was reprinting its chronological Koran in the
mass-market Everyman series almost every other year! For
example, the 1937 copy of this Koran shows it had been
previously printed in 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1918, 1921,
1924, 1926, 1929, and 1933. And what is truly significant is
that this most widely-read English translation of the Koran
ends with the last two chapters being Chapter 9 and Chapter
5 (two of the most violent and intolerant chapters of the
entire Koran). Thus, anyone in the world reading the

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