Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

struggle to enforce Islamic domination on the rest of the
world. It took the spectacular murder of thousands of
Americans in 2001 before “jihad” was a word which would
become known to most people in the West. Here is what
Prof. Lewis said:

The law relating    to  jihad,  like    the greater part
of the sharia, received its classical form
during the first century and a half of the
Islamic era, when the Arab armies were
advancing on France, Byzantium [Turkey],
China and India.^326

In the decades preceding the attack on the World Trade
Center in 2001, there was basically no way that an
informed individual in the West could have thought that
Islam was a religion of peace. If someone looked at the
works of scores of Muslim and Kuffar scholars it was as
plain as day that Islam was a religion of war and
domination. The only actions working against the public in
the West understanding Islam with clarity was the ever-
increasing number of translations of the Koran in the
traditional order (i.e. the crudely encrypted order), an order
which Muslims could decipher by asking the experts in their
own community, experts who could explain the
chronological order and say which verses had been
cancelled. This prevalence of obscurantist Korans allowed
the allies of Islamisation to deceive the public into thinking
and hoping that the terrorism from Muslims inflicted initially
on the Israelis as early as the 1970s, and then subsequently

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