Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

on the rest of the West, was not Islamic. After 9/11 the sales

of Korans in the West shot up,^327 with the public turning
to this (encrypted) core text of Islam to try to grasp what
was going on. The academic experts and the Christian
clergy could have stepped in to explain all the secondary
literature in English enabling the public to circumvent (to
some degree) the encrypted commands of the traditional
Koran. But the academics and the clergy remained silent.
The betrayal of the people by the elite is probably
unsurpassed in the last 1000 years of history in Western
The more jihad the West has suffered, the more our
leaders have lied to us and told us that Islam is a religion of
peace. The more our civilisation is attacked by an enemy at
home and abroad, the more our leaders have chosen to
identify with the enemy, chosen to lie to the people on
whose authority those leaders claim to act. The elite are
working to ensure that we do nothing to stop the growth of a
fifth column. In 2002, when politician Professor Pim
Fortuyn in the Netherlands was murdered by a (Kuffar)
Leftist, those in the West who spoke the truth about Islam
had reason to fear assassination, now not just by Muslims
but also by their own people. This was the stick, but there
was also the carrot: universities being induced to take an
apologist attitude towards Islam, with royalty from the oil-
rich Islamic states funding politically-correct departments in

universities in the West.^328 Consequently, it fell to brave
writers outside of academia – Andrew Bostom, Robert
Spencer, Mark Steyn, Bat Yeʼor, etc. – to fill the gap left by
professional academics.

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