Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Islamʼs Relentless Hatred Of


“those  who disbelieve, among   the People  of  the
Scripture [Christians and Jews] and the idolaters, will
abide in fire of hell. They are the worst of created
beings. (And) lo! those who believe and do good works
[Muslims] are the best of created beings.”
Koran 98:6-98:7

In the latter half of the twentieth century the West was
flooded with scores of jumbled-up publications of the
Koran, making the doctrines of Islam contradictory and hard
to fathom. These editions of the Koran in the traditional
(encrypted) order replaced the principal translation of the
Koran in English, which was a chronological Koran which
made it abundantly clear that Islam is a religion of war. As
we discussed earlier, in the immediate aftermath of World
War II, Winston Churchill compared Islam to Nazism. As
we all know, National Socialism is a byword for the hatred
of those who are different. But when the West's foremost
historian of Islam identified the pre-eminent ideology whose
believers were indoctrinated to kill those who were different,
it was not Nazism to which he referred, but Islam. Thus,
Professor Bernard Lewis said:

just    as  the insider is  defined by  his acceptance
of Islam, so in the same way the outsider is
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