Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

public ignorant of this historic event.^372
Remember, as you start to read the following Koran,
the first things you are reading are the very last
commands spoken by Mohammed, commands which
Muslims believe are the unchanging word of Allah, valid
for all eternity and which no later Islamic leader can ever
rescind. These are verses commanding war and slaughter
for those unbelievers who will not convert to Islam or
who will not agree to be subjugated by the rules imposed
upon the unbeliever by Muslims. For decades, this view of
Islam has been concealed from us by our political leaders,
our journalists, our religious leaders. Yet as we have shown,
this view of Islam was the standard view of Islam for more
than one thousand years, up to and including the end of the
twentieth century. The deception of you and your children
means you are being led further and further down the road
to a violent future. The deception that Islam is a religion of
peace is contradicted by the example of devout jihadis who
are killing your countrymen and telling you they are doing
so because they are following what the Koran commands
them to do. The money being spent to pre-empt the
terrorism from jihadis will only last so long. When this
money cannot keep up with the number of Muslims
imported into your country, you and your children will be
living in a very dangerous world. That money could instead
have been spent ensuring that the electorates in our
supposed democracies knew the truth about Islam, and were
allowed to vote accordingly to prevent this violent future.
When you read the Koran contained in this book you will
see instantly why these jihadis are happy to kill themselves

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