Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

you and your family are not to be told this, you are to be
deceived into thinking a religion of war is a religion of
peace. You have been betrayed.
If you only flick through the pages of our Koran, you
will see that we have highlighted the oppositions between
believers and unbelievers. You do not need to take the word
of Professor Lewis, as you can quickly see for yourself from
our chronological Koran that on almost every single page of
the Koran the unbeliever or the hypocrite is contrasted
unfavourably with the believing Muslim. This contrast is
frequently accompanied by descriptions of Hell (where
unbelievers are destined to go), versus descriptions of the
Gardens of Paradise (access to which is reserved for only
the most devout and obedient Muslims). In our Koran these
contrasts between believer and unbeliever have been

marked out^371 to serve as a visualization of this opposition
which permeates the Islamic view of the world. This
opposition to the unbeliever is thus found not just
throughout the Koran but throughout the doctrines of Islam
and the history of Islam. In the religion of war everything is
divided into being either in the World of Islam or the World
of War. Whilst Western values, enshrined in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, seek to treat all of mankind as
belonging to one group, Islam is riven throughout with the
distinction between Muslim and non-Muslim. There is no
universal concept of equality or fairness or justice in Islam.
It is no accident that in 1990 the Islamic world rejected the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As with so many
things concerning Islam, our governments, our journalists
and even our human rights organisations chose to keep the

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