Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

respect), then we do not know what is required to make you
open your eyes and take steps to avert the coming disaster.
In this Koran not only have we made clear the scores of
commands to Muslims to conduct war in order to attain
entry to Paradise, but we have highlighted that the Islamic
world-view is built on the division between Muslim and
non-Muslim, Islam (belief) and Kuffar (unbelief). Our focus
has been on the unending state of war which exists between
Islam and all that is not Islam, a war that exists until Islam
dominates. We have not had the space to discuss how
Muslims kill other Muslims in the name of Islam (but that
too is a form of jihad). For instance, the classic manual of
sharia law (found in public libraries in the United Kingdom)
has this to say: “When a person who has reached puberty
and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves

to be killed”.^374 This is why there is no reform in Islam: as
soon as anyone tries to reform Islam they are accused of
having apostatized from Islam, and their life is in danger.
This is just another manifestation of Islamʼs war against all
that is not Islam. Muslims are publishing and buying books
calling for the execution of those who leave Islam, and our
governments are stocking such books in public libraries so
that as many Muslims as possible can convince themselves
of the need to kill those who leave Islam. And our media
and politicians have nothing to say about such phenomena.
When discussing with his descendants if they should
flee Britain after the Muslim terrorist attack on London in
2005, here is what a retired British politician said he
would be doing if he was still a politician:

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