Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
Iʼd  be  so  alarmed     by  the     situation   [with
Islam in Britain] Iʼd do everything possible
to suggest it was under control. Itʼs up to
politicians to play mood music in a crisis,
and up to the people to understand that
thereʼs little else governments can do. The
last thing they can say is that we face a
threat to which we can see no end because
itʼs based on a fundamental clash of
cultures. On the IRA we told the truth, on
the Islamic problem, we lie.^375

Remember, a man who was a senior government Minister
is saying this in a book in which he supports his
descendants fleeing Britain, to move to a country were
Muslims are not so far on the path to domination. It seems
quite clear that this retired MP fully understands Islam and
the civilizational threat faced by the West. If he understands
it and admits he would be lying to the public about what he
knew, we must conclude that our current politicians all
understand the problem is Islam, but they would prefer to
sound liberal and let your descendants face a far more
violent and illiberal future. Weʼre not politicians, so we are
not in the business of lying to you. We believe in real
democracy, and we believe that in a real democracy the
people must be able to make informed decisions. You
cannot make these decisions if the politicians and the media
are continually lying to you, and the schools are
systematically lying to your children.
If you still do not believe what you have seen in this

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