Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Introduction or from our presentation of this standard
translation of the Koran put into chronological order, then
we advise you to read the material referenced in the Notes at
the end of the book. If you remain unconvinced then we do
not believe there is anything other than your personal
experience of violence which will convince you. You will
have to discover the brute reality for yourself. You and your
offspring are expendable. Every year hundreds of thousands
of those who have the skills to enable them to find a new
life abroad are emigrating, with this evacuation most
manifest in European countries where the problem with

Islam is worst.^376 Those who can are leaving for countries
where the problem with Islam is not (yet) so serious.
Western governments can conceal the brain drain by
ensuring that immigration figures exceed emigration figures,
even whilst a government claims year after year that it is

committed to the opposite policy.^377
Knowledge is power. The elite do not want you to have
power, because then they will have to implement the means
to protect your family. Or they must give up the riches that
come with that power, and step aside for those who will do
what is required. Whilst politicians and journalists trot out
The Grand Lie and pretend that violent Islam is only a
twentieth century phenomenon, let these words about the
Koran from William Gladstone, a great nineteenth-
century British Prime Minister, ring in your ears: “So
long as there is this book, there will be no peace in the

world”.^378 As you turn to look at the Koran as the experts
on Islam see it, ask yourself who is giving you the better

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