Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
w o r l d . Far  from    being   moribund,
Mohammedanism is a militant and
proselytizing faith. It has already spread
throughout Central Africa, raising fearless
warriors at every step; and were it not that
Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms
of science — the science against which it
had vainly struggled — the civilization of
modern Europe might fall, as fell the
civilization of ancient Rome.^119

In this latter part of the quotation, one can see precisely why
Weston might have thought the remarks to be still relevant.
Mr Weston is one of the handful of political party leaders
across the world who has tried to offer an explanation as to
why Muslims kill in the name of Islam. But rather than allow
the British public to hear what one of the greatest leaders of
the twentieth century thought about Islam, Mr. Weston was
arrested to silence him. And as with the controversy over
the Mohammed cartoons in Denmark most of our
Quisling journalists could not even bring themselves to let
the public know what the quotation was that resulted in

Mr. Westonʼs arrest.^120
When comparing Muslim fundamentalists to Nazis,
David Cameron was very vague about why the more Islamic
a Muslim becomes, the more like a Nazi that Muslim would
be. But in quoting Churchill, Weston made explicit what the
British Prime Minister had only been prepared to hint at:
namely, that Islam is a fanatical, proselytizing warrior
religion, and the more that Muslims find out about the rules

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