Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

of their religion, the more likely they are to be violent.
Churchill could see no force in the world that was more
dangerous than this, with Islam capable of destroying
European civilisation if not held in check by our superior
technology. Churchill could see that throughout history
Muslims are constantly held in bondage to the behaviour of
Mohammed. The Churchill of 1899 would not be surprised
by problems visited on the West by Islam in recent decades:
terrorism, beheadings, female genital mutilation, Muslim

rape gangs,^121 women dressing as if they were in a desert,
the reliance of Muslims on taxes paid by the ʻinferiorʼ

Kuffar.^122 In all likelihood Mr. Weston was arrested
precisely because Churchill’s remarks are so relevant to
the problems we see with Islam in the West. And for the
same reason, the media could not bring themselves to
repeat the words of Churchill.
What was the context for these apocalyptic remarks
from Churchill in his book called The River War? Fifteen
years before Churchill published this book at the dawn of
the twentieth century, Britain had seen the rise of “The
Mahdi Army”, a group of devout warrior Muslims in Sudan
whom we would today classify as being “Islamists”,
comparable to Boko Haram in Nigeria or Islamic State in
Syria and Iraq, or comparable to Al Qaeda and the Taliban
in Afghanistan. Thus the problems the West has seen with
devout, murderous Muslims at the start of the twenty-first
century is something that was also well-known to

Churchill’s peers at the end of the nineteenth century.^123
The apparent period of calm by Muslims on the world’s

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