Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Appeasing Violent Supremacism

“Those  who believe in  Allah   and the Last    Day ask no
leave of thee lest they should strive [Jihad] with their
wealth and their lives [losing their lives in war]. Allah
is Aware of those who keep their duty (unto Him).”
Koran 9:44

The public in Western democracies are kept in the dark
about the true nature of Islam, but behind the closed doors
of Mosques and Muslim homes, Muslim children are being
taught the truth about the hatred the Koran has for us

Kuffar, and what the violent history of Islam has been.^150
The media join the politicians in lying to the public, telling
you that it is hard to understand why followers of a
religion of peace are becoming suicide bombers, when the
book in your hands is able to explain the violence from
Muslims with crystal clarity. The public are given no
explanation why, in their thousands, Muslims in Europe
are evading police and struggling to join the sex-slave
rapists of Islamic State. Nor is the media narrative able to
explain why other Muslims won’t inform on those who are
preparing for terrorism (for example, a 2016 survey found
only about one in three of the Muslims in Britain “would
inform the police if they thought somebody they knew was
getting involved with people who support terrorism in

Syria”).^151 Such survey results are not remotely surprising
when one sees that Muslims are commanded to be violent

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