Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

towards us Kuffar^152 , that the Koran commands Muslims to
not have friendly relations with the unbeliever (with any
Muslim who disobeys this command being classed as an

unbeliever),^153 that the Koran says that aiding us Kuffar to
resist the spread of Islam constitutes the “corruption” of

opposing Islam^154 (the latter strictures both mean that other
Muslims will kill those Muslims who align themselves with
the Kuffar). Yet the politicians and the media in the West act
as if such a lack of integration with Western values on the
part of Muslims is untrue or is somehow inexplicable, or is
even the fault of us, the indigenous population of Kuffar
(the very people whom the Koran instructs Muslims to
despise and to kill).
In the early 1930s, when Churchillʼs warning to the
world that the National Socialists in Germany were already
running their military and munitions factories as if they were

at war, he was ignored.^155 Churchill predicted that London
would be a target of fire-bombing from the air and warned
that Britain was woefully unprepared. The British secret
service seemed to know less than Churchill, and he was
considered to be a war-mongering extremist. The
government of the day might be forgiven for their folly. But
in our own time, a future British Prime Minister was
prepared to compare Islam with National Socialism whilst
out of office. Unlike Churchill, when David Cameron
became Prime Minister his warnings and actions against
Islam did not intensify, but instead went into reverse. Yet
there is no need to conjecture about the future of the West:
the future has already been written, as the doctrines and the

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