123RF 144
link 189
16-Bit Manipulation 82–83
100% rule 85
Alain Briot, link 201
Alamy 2, 11, 159–160, 162, 184
discussion group, link 202
link 199
link 190
American Bar Association Copyright
link 201
Antialiasing fi lter 94
and macro lenses 145
and shutter speed 69–74
smaller lens 84
wide 40, 65, 69, 88, 156
Artifacts 91–93
Adobe Camera Raw and 95
and compact digital cameras 106,
lossy compression 91–92
minimizing 92–93
and noise-reduction programs 92
and sharpening 99
Artist exclusivity 27, 143–144, 170
and Dreamstime 23
and Fotolia 25
and iStockphoto 26–27
prediction 188
Arts and Humanities Data Service FAQ
link 200
and clipping paths 129–133
composition and 64–65, 69
fi xing 128–129
home studios and 119, 123, 126
vector images as 59, 61
Big Stock Photo
link 189
Bit depth
and CCD scanners 117
and image manipulation 80
bridge cameras 108–109
link 201
link 190
Camera Labs
link 201
Camera shake 45, 73, 84, 88, 99, 105,
Can Stock Photo
link 190
Case studies 165–174
Chromatic aberrations 93
and Photoshop’s Lens correction tool
and Silkypix 93
Clipping paths 48, 129–134
Color 69
balance of camera 138
blotches 88
in compositions 41, 46, 54, 63, 69
example of 71, 72
moiré and color noise 93–95
and monitor calibration 78
sRGB color space 153–155
Color artifact removal software 95
Quantum Mechanic 200
Commissions 10, 13, 18, 21–27
123RF 189
Albumo 190