204 Index
and artist exclusivity 27, 143–144,
Big Stock Photo 189
Dreamstime 23–24, 189
Fotolia 25, 189
Geckostock 190
Gimmestock 190
iStockphoto 26–27, 189
Lucky Oliver 190
predictions for 188
referral 146–148
ScandinavianStockPhoto 190
Shuttermap 190
Shutterstock 24–25, 189
SmallPhotoMedia 189
SnapVillage 189
Stockxpert 189
compact digital cameras 106–108
and noise 85
checklist 63–64
compositionally challenged image
rule of thirds 45, 65–68
Copyrights 175–179
for editorial use only photographs 160
and privacy 179
and registration 176
removing symbols and logos in
photographs 97–99
rejection 45, 98, 180–181
removing from photographs 97–99
resources 200–201
third-party copyright 176–177
Corbis 2, 6, 159, 184
link 199
and SnapVillage 11, 144, 186–187,
Crop factor sensors 107, 112
Cropping 68–69, 155
and medium format digital 114
Depth of fi eld 40, 73, 84, 152, 156
example of high depth of fi eld 75
example of shallow depth of fi eld 74
Digital Camera HQ
link 201
Digital Camera Review
link 201
Digital cameras 7
advantages of 104–105, 141–143
and antialiasing fi lter 94
bridge cameras 108–109
compact digital cameras 106–108
fi xed lens 108
cutaway 108
digital sensor size comparison
digital single-lens refl ex cameras
105, 109–113
and dust 96 97
and fi le formats 79, 92
manual, read the 155
medium format digital cameras
and noise 85
prosumer cameras 108–109
reviews 201
scanning backs 114–115
versus fi lm 103–106
Digital Photography Blog
link 201
Digital Photography Review
link 201
Digital single-lens refl ex cameras (dSLRs)
109–113, 141, 143
crop factor 112
four thirds system 113
live view 105
and macro lenses 145
open standards 113
Discussion groups 146, 181
photo equipment review and 201
stock-related, links 201–202
Dreamstime 144
affi liate/referral program 148
extended licenses 23–24
ftp upload 24
link 189
model and property release samples
purchase options 16–18
royalties 23–24
Drum scanners 116–117
Dust blobs 96–97
and built-in dust-reduction systems
clone stamp 96–97
patch tool 96
spot healing brush 96