206 Index
macro lenses 122–123
and people shots 125–126
simple setup 123–125
table and window setup 119–122
Hyperfocal distance 73
Image Vortex
link 190
Images, types of
architecture 45
business 30–36, 50, 126
cityscapes 45–48
concept shots 57–58
fashion 36–37
fl owers 52–54, 56
food 40–42
isolated 31, 50, 51, 126–129
lifestyle 30–36
landscape 42–45
night shots 47–48
objects 48–52
people shots 125–126
rule of thirds 45
seasonal and festive 36–40, 127
signs 58, 60
simple 29
travel 42–45
vectors 58–59, 61–62
Imaging Resource
link 201
Intellectual property rights 45
ISO settings 83–84, 88, 105
and compact digital cameras
Isolated images 31–32, 48, 50, 51,
126–129, 151
and clipping paths 130
iStockphoto 7, 9, 10, 11
artist exclusivity 26, 27, 143–144
commission structure 26–27
extended licenses 26
founding of 8–10
ftp upload 26
and Getty 11, 186
key word system 151–152
link 189
Photographers Training Manual 78
purchase options 19, 22
referrals 147
video offering 187
Joe Cornish
link 201
JPEG fi le format 79–81
and artifacts 91–93
and clipping paths 129
and color balance 138
and manipulation 82–83
and sharpening 99
and sRGB color space 154–155
versus raw 80–81
Keywords 150–152
how to enter keywords 151
dirty 99
fi sheye lens 75
fi xed lenses on compact cameras 108
and focal length 68, 74, 99
lens correction fi lter 93
macro 53–54, 65, 120, 122–123,
moderate telephone lens 69
open standard 113
portrait lens 69
quality 99
specially designed 112
standard lens 69
telephoto lens 43, 69, 74
wide-angle lens 33, 43, 45, 69, 73
Licenses 6, 11–12, 21–27, 159
Lighting techniques, advanced 134–138
color balance 138
fl ash meter 136–139
light tents 136
links for lighting tips 202
product tables 136
rim lighting 134–136
slave relay 138
Links, useful 199–202
Livingstone, Bruce 8, 186
predictions 187
Lossy format 81, 91
Lucky Oliver
link 190
Luminous Landscape, The, link 201