Index 207
Macro lenses 53–54, 65, 120, 122–
123, 145–146
medium format digital cameras 113–114,
Microstock photography
and broadband Internet access 7
case studies 165–174
copyrights, trademarks and model
releases 175–182
cultural differences between traditional
outlets and 162
diversifi cation of 187
earnings from 13–28, 165–174
early days of stock photography 4–6
equipment 103–118
founding of 8
future of 183–188
home studio, setup 119–140
and the Internet 7
library links 189–190
predictions for 187–188
and rights-managed stock 159–164
royalties and licenses 21–27
rules 78
sales models 16–21
site features, most important 173
submission strategies 27–28
technical issues 77–101
tips and tricks 141–158
traditional libraries, comparison of
what sells and what does not
link 190
Model release 41, 98, 181–182
and Data Protection Act 181
samples 191–198
Moiré and color noise 93–95
antialiasting fi lter 94
example of 94
software 95
Monitor calibration 78–79
link 190
Neat Image 88–89
link 199
Networking 156–157
Noise 83–84, 85–91
color blotches 88
and exposure 85–88
histogram 87–88
luminance noise 85
noise-reduction software 88–91,
Noise Ninja 88, 91
link 199
Noise-reduction software 88–91,
Imagenomic Noiseware 200
Neat Image 199
Nik Dfi ne 199
Noise Ninja 199
Richard Rosenman 200
STOIK Noise AutoFix 199
Visual Infi nity Grain Surgery 200
Photography Review
link 201
Photoshop 15–16, 79, 82, 145
built-in noise reduction 89–91,
built-in raw converter 82, 93,
clone stamp 96–97
dodge tool 124
Grain Generator 90
and moirés 94–95
Noise Ninja 88, 91
palette 130
quick selection tool 133
and sharpening 100
spot healing brush 96
Photoshop Elements 79, 82
Photo sites of interest
Alain Briot, link 201
Brightnewlight, link 201
Fine Art Photography, link 201
Joe Cornish, link 201
The Luminous Landscape, link 201
UK Large-Format Photographer’s
Group, link 201
PhotoSource International 162
Privacy 179
Property release 182
samples of 191–198
prosumer cameras 108–109