Microstock Photography

(coco) #1

could take. Both these images convey the essence of a good lifestyle
shot, which is why they have been multidownload sellers. They
cover both ends of the age spectrum, but despite this and their
very different contexts and backgrounds, they are both remarkably
similar in key areas:

  • Both images are of happy couples. Happy couples make great stock images.

  • There is a sense of life and action in both shots. They are not just static portraits.

  • A lot is going on in both images. There is a sense of energy, with the piggyback in
    the fi rst image and the skipping in the second. Fantastic!

Both these images could be taken by you using simple equipment,
with no fancy lighting needed. Just a little care in the execution,
following a few simple rules explained later in the book. In
particular, you don’t need megabucks catwalk models for your lifestyle
photographs; seniors, teens—in fact, all ages sell well—so start
by enlisting your own nearest and dearest to model for you.

FIGURE 3.5 “Life Is Good.” © dra_schwartz/iStockphoto

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