Microstock Photography

(coco) #1

36 What Sells and What Does Not

(Make sure you explain what is going on—for example, you will not
have any control over the products or services the pictures are
associated with—and get them or a responsible parent or guardian
to sign a model release.) Often a promise of a free print will be
enough to secure consent!
I think that when starting out, it really is a key to success to get
those around you to help in various ways, and being a model is one
of the best ways.


Fashion and style are in demand and used by designers to sell
products and services and add a touch of interest to marketing cam-
paigns, brochures, and the like. Ditch the grungy clothes, add some
makeup, and fi re up the shutter (Figure 3.6). Admittedly, good fashion
work demands some skill and care; lighting is critical and some post-
processing is needed to even out skin blemishes and so on. But
if it fl oats your boat and you have the skill and passion, then you
are in luck because the best fashion shots are big sellers on
the microstocks.

Seasonal and Festive Images

Seasonal and festive images are also popular and include the obvious
Christian, Jewish, and other religious festivals, public celebrations,
and, of course, the seasons. An image does not have to press just one
commercial button. The “Life Is Good” image would be a great autumn
image as well as a lifestyle image, but some images are obviously
representative of one season or one festival. Holly or mistletoe summon
up Christmas, as do wrapped presents, Christmas trees, and images of
people singing carols. Easter, well, Easter eggs! Figure 3.7 is a winning
Easter image, and Figure 3.8 is a still-life scene representing the Jewish
New Year.
Seasonal objects by themselves can convey a sense of the season
well. Christmas tree decorations, either on a tree or by themselves,
are popular sellers from around August onward. The skilled micro-
stock photographer will make sure he or she shoots material for
submission in late July or early August to profi t from this seasonal

Our “Business” and “People” categories are consistent best sellers. We also do
very well with our seasonal collections. These are images culled by our photo
editors in a timely way, for example, “spring,” “Easter,” “mothers” around Mother’s
Day, etc.
Jon Oringer, CEO, Shutterstock
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