The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

"I will adorn and I will be adorned."
"I will be united and I will unite."
"I have no house and I have houses."
"I have no place and I have places."
"I have no temple and I have temples."
"I am a lamp to you who see me."
"I am a mirror to you who perceive me."
"I am a door to you who knock on me."
"I am a way to you, you passerby."^6


"If you respond to my dance, see yourself in me as I speak, and if you have seen
what I do, keep silent about my mysteries. You who dance, understand what I
do, for yours is this human passion I am to suffer. You could by no means have
comprehended what you suffer unless I had been sent as the word to you by
the father. You who have seen what I suffer have seen me as suffering, and
when you have seen it, you have not stood firm but were completely moved.
You were moved to become wise, and you have me for support. Rest in me.
Who I am you will know when I depart. What now I am seen to be I am not.
You will see when you come. If you knew how to suffer, you would have been
able not to suffer. Learn about suffering, and you will be able not to suffer.
What you do not know I myself shall teach you. I am your god, not the trai-
tor's. I want holy souls to be in harmony with me. Know the word of wisdom.
Say again with me,

  1. See Gospel of Thomas 42.

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