The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

The interpreter perishes, the interpreted stops.
It is enough to know and to rest and rest.
The motionless singers stand before a great river
with a huge fountain
flowing to those who seek the poem of the lord.

Song 2j

I extend my hands and hallow my lord.
The expansion of my hands is his sign,
and my expansion is the erected wood.

Song 28

Like the wings of the doves over their infant doves
whose mouths lift to their mothers' mouths,
so are the wings of the spirit over my heart.
My heart is happy and leaps
like the infant who moves happy in her mother's womb.
I believed. I was peaceful.
My faith was in him whom I trusted.
He hugely blessed me.
My mind is with him.
No sword nor scimitar divides us:
I prepared before destruction came.
I am in his arms that do not know death.
Deathless life hugged and kissed me.
That spirit is in me; it cannot die. It lives.

They marveled at me because I was persecuted.
They supposed me swallowed up.
To them I seemed lost.
My oppression was my salvation.
They scorned me because in me was no anger.
Because I did good I was hated.
They surrounded me like mad dogs
who stupidly attack their masters.
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