The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Their thought is corrupt, their mind perverted.
I carried water in my right hand.
With sweetness I endured the bitter.
I didn't perish. I wasn't their brother.
My birth was other.
They sought my death. They failed.
I was older than their memory.
They cast lots against me. They failed.
Those who came later
tried to destroy the memory of him before them.
No one foretells the thought from the one in the sky.
His heart surpasses wisdom.

Song 29
The lord is my hope. With him I shall not be lost,
and through his praise he made me,
and through his goodness he gave me common objects,
and through his beauty he set me on high.
He led me out of the depths of Sheol^8
and saved me from the mouth of death.
I laid my enemies low,
and he justified me through his grace.
I believed in him. I believed in the messiah,
and he came to me and showed me his sign
and led me by the way of his light.
He also gave me the rod of his power
to subdue the dreams of others, to bring down the mighty,
to make war through his word
and find victory through his power.
By his word the lord overthrew my enemy,
who was like stubble blown away in the wind.
I praise him on high who exalts me, his servant.
He has exalted the son of his handmaid.

  1. Hell.

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