The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

Song 30

Drink deeply from the living fountain of the lord.
It is yours.
Come, all who are thirsty, and drink,
and rest by the fountain of the lord.
How beautiful and pure.
It eases the soul.
That water is sweeter than honey.
The combs of bees are nothing beside it.
It flows from the lips of the lord.
Its name is from the lord's heart.
It is invisible but has no borders
and was unknown until it was set in our midst.
They who drink are blessed and are eased.

Song 31

Chasms vanished before the lord,
and darkness fades with his appearance.
Error wandered and disappeared because of him.
Contempt found no path and was submerged in the truth of the lord.
He opened his mouth and spoke grace and happiness.
He sang a new poem to his name
and raised his voice to the firmament
and offered him children in his hands.
By the ways his father gave to him,
his face was justified.

Come, you who have suffered, and be happy.
Possess your souls through grace.
Accept deathless life.
They condemned me when I stood on my feet,
I who was guiltless.
They divvied the spoil though nothing was theirs. I endured, held my peace,
silent so they couldn't get to me.
I was a firm rock pounded by waves, braving the blows.
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