The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

He told me in a pure voice
as light beings speak in the house of perfection.
He said, "Poor man, don't be alarmed or fearful.
Don't say, 'I am utterly alone.'
For you we spread the firmament above.
For you we spread the firmament above and made dry land.
We made dry land,
and solid land came and stood in the water.
For you the sun came,
for you the moon came into the firmament,
for you, poor one, the seven planets
and twelve creatures of the zodiac were set in orbit.
Radiance sits at your right hand
and glittering light on your left.
Be strong in your seed until you are fulfilled.
When you are fulfilled
I will come again.
I will bring you splendid clothing,
the envy of the world.
I will bring you a lovely shawl of light,
abundant and boundless.
I will deliver you from the wicked,
free you from the sinners.
You will sit in your own heavenly place.
I will free you in that pure place."


I hear the voice of the seven planets,
who whisper to one another,
"Blessings on the father of the poor one:
he is the one who tends the fruit tree.
We have no father and no one to tend our tree."
Welcome to anyone life knows,
and sorrow to whomever life ignores.
Welcome to anyone life knows,
and who stays on earth free
from the world of imperfection
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