The Gnostic Bible: Gnostic Texts of Mystical Wisdom form the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

(Elliott) #1

where the planets live.
They sit on rebel thrones and work with a whip.
Gold and silver excite them,
and they cast war into the world.
They cast war into the world, and they will roast in fire.
The evil will roast in fire, their glory gone.
But my family and I will ascend and see
the place of light where the sun does not go down,
where lamps of light never dim,
the place, the house to which your souls
are called and invited in,
souls of our kin, of the good,
and of our believing brothers and sisters.
There life is extolled.

Advice for the Persecuted

You came from the house of life.
You came from the house of life,
you came. What did you bring us?
I came with you so you won't die,
so your souls won't be erased.
I brought life on the day of death,
happiness on the day of gloom.
I brought you rest. There disquiet
of the nations is not raging.
Good one, you came to the true
man carrying this? And only this?
I made him my treasurer.
I made him my treasurer and
the master over all I possess.
I gave him the keys of truth
to enter the world and leave it
as a man with longing filled.
My chosen ones,
my chosen ones, you looked
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