Inferences from precautionary rules: Fiddick, Cosmides and Tooby, 2000.
Features of ritual: A. P. Fiske, 2000.
Sacred and limits: Anttonen, 2000. Javanese ritual: Beatty, 1999, p. 94.
Accounts of living with compulsive obsession: Colas, 1998; Rapoport, 1997.
Ritual actions and OCD routines compared: Dulaney and Fiske, 1994; Fiske
and Haslam, 1997.
Phenomenology of OCD: Eisen, Phillips and Rasmussen, 1999.
Baktaman initiation: Barth, 1975.
Deception and interaction in male initiation: Houseman, 1993; Houseman and
Severi, 1998.
Kinship categories: Hirschfeld, 1986.
Acquisition of racial and ethnic concepts: Hirschfeld, 1993; 1996.
[340] 19. Social groups as transcendent: Bloch, 1992, p. 75.
Ritual structure: Lawson and McCauley, 1990.
Buid mediumship: Gibson, 1986.
Beatty, 1999, p. 28.
Indonesia, religious identity: Beatty, 1999, p. 221.
Fang evur:Fernandez, 1982; Boyer, 1994.
Rapacious priests in Benares: Parry, 1995, pp. 119–120.
Invention and diffusion of literacy: DeFrancis, 1989. Cognitive consequences:
Goody, 1977; 1986.
Paradoxes of religion and philosophy, connection with mysticism: Pyysiainen,
Hinduist distinction between general and local: Parry, 1985, p. 204.
Local and Sanskrit gods: Fuller, 1992, p. 256.
Original debates about the "great" and "small" traditions: Marriott, 1955;
Dumont, 1959.
Imagistic and doctrinal modes of religiosity: Whitehouse, 1995; 2000.
Social groups as essence-based: Atran, 1990; Boyer, 1990; Rothbart and Taylor,
More thorough treatment and more evidence in Gil-White, 2001.
Discrimination based on arbitrary groups in the lab: Tajfel, 1970.
Groupishness: Ridley, 1996.
Studies of prejudice in social psychology: S. T. Fiske, 2000. Domination and
coalitions: Sidanius and Pratto, 1999.
General coalitional reasoning: Kurzban, 1999. Coalitional reasoning in clandes-
tine warfare: Bell, 1999.
Consensus effect: Asch, 1955; false consensus: Ross, Greene and House, 1977;
its development in children: Wetzel and Walton, 1985. Survey of generation effect:
Burns, 1990; illustration in Peynircioglu and Mungan, 1993. Memory illusions in gen-
eral: Roediger and McDermott, 1995; Roediger, 1996. Effect of imaginings on illu-