Suggested Answers and Hints - Chapter 3
Exercise 6
Brackets symbolize the same as nodes do in the tree structure. Each pair of brackets
corresponds to a node in the tree with the label given at the left bracket. The first pair
of brackets gives the uppermost node, namely I. I is made up from the nodes H and J.
Inside J we have a word c and the node K. Following this logic, we get the following
tree structure:
a b c K
d L
e f
Exercise 7
In the bracketed structure each pair of brackets represent a unit, like nodes do in the
tree. Thus each node in the tree can have a corresponding pair of brackets in the
bracketed structure. The strategy is to take a look at all nodes in the tree and to
determine which words of the sentence are dominated by the particular node. To each
node we will have a corresponding pair of brackets:
[K [I a [J b c]] [L [P d] [M e [N f [O g h]]]]]
Exercise 8
the category: [+F, +N, –V]
subcat: [nominal]
little category: [–F, +N, +V]
-grid: <theme>
subcat: [∆]
boy category: [–F, +N, –V]
-grid: <∆>
subcat: [∆]
may category: [+F, –N, +V]
subcat: [verbal]
think category: [–F, –N, +V]
-grid: <experiencer proposition>
subcat: sentential
that category: [+F, –N, –V]
subcat: [clausal]
features [–Wh, +Fin]
he category: [+F, +N, –V]
subcat: [∆]