Exercise 9
will category: [+F, –N, +V]
subcat: [verbal]
get category: [–F, –N, +V]
-grid: <beneficiary theme>
subcat: [nominal]
a category: [+F, +N, –V]
subcat: [nominal]
very category: [+N, +V]
subcat: [adjectival]
expensive category: [–F, +N, +V]
-grid: <theme>
subcat: [∆]
present category: [–F, +N, –V]
-grid: <(agent) (beneficiary)>
subcat: [prepositional]
for category: [+F, –N, –V]
subcat: [nominal]
his category: [+F, +N, –V]
subcat: [∆]
birthday category: [–F, +N, –V]
-grid: <∆>
subcat: [∆]
Exercise 9
exp = experiencer; prop = proposition;
exp prop exp theme
(1) [Jack] thought [that [he] knew [the right answer]].
prop prop
(2) [One of the big parties] 1 seems [to be unlikely [to be
prop agent theme
believed [e 1 to win [the elections]]]].
agent theme beneficiary
(3) [John] gave [three red roses] to [Jane].
agent prop agent theme
(4) [The teacher] wanted [[the students] to pass [the exam]].