Time Tools (Change Analysis)
The following tools may be most effective for events that are time based or
involve sequential events.
Sequence of Events Analysis
Figure 10 : Sequence of Events Analysis Quick Facts
This method of RCA is used by displaying the sequence of events leading to a
particular failure or event in a graphical manner on a single path. It works well
for events where the time sequence is considered important for the
evaluation of combined contributing factors. It may use information from
Video, Data Logs, PLCs and DCS.
Event & Causal Factor (ECF) Analysis
Figure 11 : ECF Analysis Quick Facts
This method of RCA works in much the same manner as the Sequence of
Events but does so by describing the time sequence of contributing events and
existing conditions associated with a particular event in a graphical format on
multiple paths. It is used for analysis of accidents and undesirable events. It is
especially effective for events that have both primary and secondary events.
Accidents are investigated to identify the causes of their occurrence and to
determine the actions that must be taken to prevent recurrence. It is essential
that the accident investigators probe deeply into both the events and the
conditions that create accident situations, and also the managerial control
systems that let them develop so that the root accident causes can be