Root Cause Analysis

(mmpvcentral) #1



The learning program will be administered using eLearning modules,
instructional videos, whitepapers, and other resources required for the
application of core skills. The learning program is available on-line at

Target Audience

This learning program is designed for Maintenance Managers, Maintenance
Planner/Schedulers, Maintenance Supervisors, MRO Materials Management
Supervisors and Clerks, and Maintenance/Reliability Engineers. Assignment of
learning paths and courses may vary based on organizational roles and


Students enrolled in this learning program must be familiar with Microsoft
Office platforms, such as Excel and Word, and have a basic understanding of
financial terms and definitions.


On-line knowledge reinforcement examinations will be administered by
learning path or by course. Completion certificates will be issued by Eruditio,
LLC, upon completion of all assigned training courses and examinations.

Upon completion of the improvement project and a review of your project
case study, The University of Tennessee will award the “Reliability &
Maintainability Implementation Certification ®”.

Reference List:

  • Events and Causal Factors Analysis, Aston University, Great Britain
    H.K. Nelson, SCIENTECH, Inc., J. Kingston-Howlett

  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Reference Manual by
    Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors

  • Analysis techniques for system reliability – Procedure for failure mode
    and effects analysis (FMEA), IEC

  • Root Cause Analysis versus Shallow Cause Analysis: What’s the
    Difference?, Robert J. Latino, CEO, Reliability Center, Inc.

Technical Requirements

An internet connection is required to launch and view the on-line content.
Acceptable web browser platforms include:

  • Internet Explorer 8+

  • Firefox 2+

  • Safari on Mac 1.2+

  • Google Chrome
    Flash Player 9+ is required for interactive and animated elements of the on-
    line eLearning modules.
    While not a requirement, on-line eLearning modules are best viewed using a
    minimum screen resolution of 1024×768.

Aim of the Workbook

This workbook is designed for use in conjunction with the training or
workshop session.
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